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Arclord Beta Signup

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 28 Jun 2006.

  1. why do the beta games hate me so much! i have not heard anything yet!!!!
  2. Yea.. I noticed that the Orc Archer class seems to "skate" alot too.

    The Moonelves seem to work fine tho :thumbsup:
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    When I logged in this afternoon they seemed to be walking ok. I wonder if it's just a busy server lag thing.
  4. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Humans walk fine for me as well :p
  5. Schrike and I are in now as well. Its taking me some time to get used to.
  6. skating too. human knight. Just quit out and restart game, seems to correct the problem.
  7. Made a Elementalist Moonelf to 8 or 9 but im tired of playing alone.... Prob not gonna play ot much more.
  8. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    waiting in line to dl now, then gotta DL, should be playing in a few hours i hope :)
  9. Downloading now. Dont think i will be playing until later tommorrow
  10. Started downloading here. Will likely play tomorrow while WoW is down.
  11. I have a 21 Elf Ranger, a 20 Human Knight and a 10 Orc Sorceror

    I also have a Guild started. Dragonwolves.

    If you bring up the Guild Page (G key) and search for the guild, just request membership and post here that you did. I'll get you in next chance I get.
  12. Game reminds me of Guild wars with professions. HATE the point and click to move thing. Combat has no feel to me like WoW.

    Just my feelings after playing a guy up to lvl 5 this evening.
  13. yeah, starts out pretty dull but as you start to get talents gets a little more interesting. No, I dont think this will be a game like WoW was for CDL.
  14. I was going to try this, but I wouldn't be able to stand another point and click MMO. Whenever I play Guild Wars this voice in the back of my head keeps screaming, jump! jump! jump! Damn space bar work!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.......

  15. I requested membership. Using this same name: Verdictis. Look forward to seeing ya there:)
  16. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Draengor. Level 5 Orc Beserker.
  17. bah lvl 10 or 11 and a few 5 or 7ish, tired of being pvped everytime i try to lvl i dont play much anymore.
  18. to buy the actual game will you have to pay monthly?
  19. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    so yeah I just got in to this beta today..... honest opinion - it worth downloading?
  20. Its Free if ya got in the beta, but once i got Company of Heros i havent played that again donkey, its ok but i wont be buying it at release.

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