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Ultima Online (for free)

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Doograx, 25 Sep 2006.

  1. So I found a free server that is fun, and has about 1000 players online at any given time. I am not sure how many of you have played UO before, but I know thats where I met shads almost 9 years ago. Anyways, here is the url: http://www.uogamers.com/ It has all the directions/links to everything you need, Game downloads and the third party connector. That is all.
  2. omg!!! i still have my uo cds.. i have not played in YEARS and YEARS :) i would have to say its been close to nine years! too fun!! okay, so i am going to have to go check this out! too cool to pass up!

    *down loading now :) whoot, thank you doograx! :)
    Last edited: 25 Sep 2006
  3. You dont need your cd's. download the trial off of UO's website or on one of the links from uogamer. You will want to use that one over your cd's because it includes most of the expansions.

    Just be cautious. I carried all of my stuff around with me for a while and got owned. I forgot how brutal the game can be =/
  4. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    always loved uo....even helped be a GM for awhile on a server
  5. So download it and play ;) . They have a fast skill gaining system, and macroing is legal.
  6. well i downloaded it, i just have not done anything else with it, cause i am working on a few other things atm :) but i will get there eventually, might have to hollar at TB and get him to help me get it set up :) cause i dont remember much :) and he was a gm after all *smiles*
  7. My parents wouldnt let me play online games when that came out..... WELL I'LL SHOW THEM! :D
  8. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    I'm up for breaking out THE classic. I still think UO overall is the best built MMO out there...
  9. lol when i sold those accounts on Ebay i made a Ton! Dunno if'lll i go back to that though ,but i hope you guys have fun.

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