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Awesome Speech

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 5 Oct 2006.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    It's not often I post this type thing, but this guy deserves respect. He is a leader and a soldier - I would follow him into hell carrying a can of gasoline.

    I have to link the download since it is copy protected in PDF.
    /me salutes


    I found the youtube of his speech:

    Ltc White Video
    Last edited: 5 Oct 2006
  2. Ya , there were a few people i served with and under i feel the same way about. But now im a civilian maybe ill go without the can this time lol
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Updated with video...
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I love it. #4 I deal with each and every Friday night in the Command Center. I'm printing this out and going to throw this speech at him, force his hippy, clove burning, double mocha latte heavy 2% coffee drinking talking head, and read it.
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Ok, let's break out the MREs. Nice speech. <3
  6. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    It's a very good speech, and he's a good speaker. I especially like the part fairly early on where he was talking about the courage of the soldiers signing up for the Army infantry years into a war, and knowing what they're getting into. I'm not sure if I'm that brave, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for those who are.

    It was a little scary at the same time, though -- he only had negative things to say about non-military Americans, and he got extra applause each time he did so. Is that normal for this kind of thing?
  7. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I agree. I feel it is a bit odd that soldiers are being filled with "separatist" ideas. We need to stop fabricating enemies within our own society and realize that we all have to work together to achieve a productive and successful community.

    In short, "can't we all just get along?" :D
  8. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Guys, the military does things that require a sense of separatness. Nobody else in American society is required, as a function of his training and the primary reason for his job, to kill other human beings. The military is one of the lowest paid professions yet it is one of the highest in moral because it has to remain separate from "civvies". But let me tell you that the reason they do what they do is the "civvies". They go where they are told for people who sometimes hate them for doing it. I know for a fact that man would lay his life down for any American, military or civilian. That is why he wears that uniform.

    It is one of the oddest things and one that is hard to explain to those who have never worn the uniform.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I recently had an arguement with my wife's uncle over the current state of affairs in the military. He was going on and on about how the military is overpaid. I asked him why he thinks that. He says to me that he knew of a 19 year old driving around a $40k car that just got back from Iraq. I then asked him how long he knew he served over there. He said 2 years.

    I pretty much went off on my wife's uncle shortly after he told me all these facts. You're going to tell me that you think the military OVERPAYS???? This teenager is getting his ass shot at, having to walk down streets that he doesn't know where the next sniper round is coming from, having to drive down to his post wondering where the next IED is, and you're telling me he's overpaid? I pretty much dressed his ass down after that.

    It was only after he left that my mother-in-law tells me that, in Italy, you're required to serve for 2 years once you turn 18. The Italian's way of serving is guarding some post in Italy. Pretty cushy. So he was basing what our military does out of his countries military. I felt kind of like an ass, but then reflected on the fact that he always thinks he's a knowitall (Most Italian men do, it's in their genes) so it felt good to put him in his place...again.
  10. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I don't think one should ever hate a soldier for following orders (unless he/she follows orders to commit some kind of atrocity or something, I guess). Hate the policymaker who sent the soldier someplace they shouldn't have been sent, maybe -- but if you're going to do that, do it constructively and use the ballot box.

    I think I may understand. Being asked to put your life on the line for a group who may not always fully appreciate the magnitude of what it involves has to engender something of a complex psychological relationship with that group.
  11. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    So that 19-year-old is overpaid because he was able to buy an expensive car? That's kind of a weak argument -- banks will allow someone in the bottom 25% income bracket to finance one of those.

    Military salaries aren't bad by any means, especially considering housing allowances, tax breaks, combat pay, and that sort of thing. They're probably in the upper 25% income bracket in the country. That said, if the Congress decided tomorrow that they were going to triple every soldier's pay, I would applaud their decision to do so. As you pointed out, they're getting shot at and blown up -- you really can't pay someone too much for that job.

    When you look at it that way, a $40K car that will probably be rusted and worthless in five years really isn't that much to show for two years in Iraq.
  12. The military can offer you a family closeness as well.

    *** Warning --> PM is going to expose his heart here...

    It has been a sore spot with me...that my family has a military history, yet my dad talked me out of joining the Army at the last minute (while I was in High School & living at home)
    Then, 10 years later - I decided I wanted to enlist anyway, but that's when I got in my accident.

    No way the military would take me after that.

    So now I do what I can to help our society. Our nation.
    Last year I busted (possible) terriorists on an airplane.
    I work for a PI trying to catch bad guys.
    I still salute the flag, I buy poppies, attend American Legion rallys, donate blood etc.
    I work in the neighborhood for National Night out, I'm an officer in the ECFE council.
    I'm only a civilian. I'm in my 40's, I'm trying to do the best that I can.

    I guess the biggest price a soldier has to pay is the loss in karma when he kills. The Native Americans were a spiritually advanced society and had a good cleansing ritual. Once they wore their paint, (death mask) they were committted~! They steeled thmeselves to what had to be done. Generally peaceful otherwise, yet once they commited a kill/murder, there were often 'ousted' from their tribe, and had to 'sort-of' pay a pennance. Then accepted back because EVERYONE KNEW THAT TAKING ANOTHER HUMAN LIFE WAS WRONG - but it HAD to be done to SAVE THE TRIBE.

    I guess that can be summed up by saying.

    The needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few...or the one.

    Okay. Time to zip the shield back around my heart and soul.


    Peace out :thumbsup:
  13. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    If people like you, and the guys in the military are the hands of our country, then I guess that makes me an intestine...or stomach or something. <3
  14. Move that up a bit higher dear. Where the Heart is...

  15. I play Video Games Dressed up like a Solider. :rawr:
  16. @PM - there are those of us who haven't served, due to whatever reason, that serve in our own way. We may not stand up as a beacon in Iraq, but we can stand up and be the voice of reason with the folks here.

    Many do not understand, they can be helped to. Those that chose to refuse to understand, they can be escorted out. ;)

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