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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 28 Jun 2006.

  1. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    ah ok, thanks for the info.... I think I may pass on this one.... things are pretty hectic right now. CoH does look tempting, may have to pick that up.
  2. Honestly its one of the worst mmorpgs I have played. Thats just my opinion though :)
  3. yeah i think it blows as well. i played it for about 1 hour and said good bye.
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    1. Interface sucks
    2. Handing out quests and looking for the Dranger hills when, in actuality, I have to look for the Drengar hills. Yeah, not good. Continuity for the win!
    3. PvPing sucks.

    :thumbsdown: I only play this during the Tuesday maintenance, and then only if all of my chores are done, I've taken a shower, the lawn is mowed and I've resided the house.
  5. saw this in retail at the store the other day, is it any good ?? worth buying or just walk away from it ????
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Did you read through the thread Miggsy????

    I wouldn't buy it. Put it to you this way. If I had to buy a game and it was either Archlord or BF2142....I'd buy BF2142
  7. ahh.. so i am saving my money and not buying either ;)

    ya i read thru them :) but you know, i just had to out right ask! :)
  8. I think it has been decided from what I have read that you should just walk away from that game. Haven't heard a good thing about it yet.
  9. The game is a decent game.

    The Graphics are good.
    The Controls are decent.
    The Autolooting when in a party and Autopotion Sliders are nice.

    There's just nothing that makes it stand out from any of the other 18 billion korean MMO's that are out there.

    If you liked Lineage / 2, RF Online, etc, then you'll like Archlord.
  10. hehe.. well since i have not ever played any of them, i am thinking i am going to pass on this one :) thanks!
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well, you're entitled to your opinion Arg :)
  12. lol, ya i wont be getting it either
  13. I never said I was going to get the game....

    I just said I didn't DISLIKE it.

    It just wasn't anything new....

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