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Michael J. Fox

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ingwë, 24 Oct 2006.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  2. I have my popcorn ready, sits back and watches this topic evolve :D
  3. nothing wrong with stem cell research in my opinion....it can benifit many people with many diffierent medical problems...perhaps somewhere in there find the cure for many others...but...we have the example of the political vote getting machine right there...i mean..who in missour-uh doesn't like m.j. fox? and to see this guy racked with this horrible affliction right in your face will make you open your eyes to stem cell research...granted you do have to slap people in the face to make them pay attention and bring about change...don't get me wrong..i support it totally...i just don't support the machine...
  4. If only we could go back to the future and get the CURE!!!

    No but really that was disturbing and i don't believe there is any problem with stem cell research.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I want to break Rush Limbaugh's neck.
  6. it is really sad to watch someone like him or anyone for that matter going thru that. but you also have to remember just how strong they are in the inside to let the rest of the world see what happens to them. i know that he personally has tried to keep from the public view because of it so him coming out like that is making a statement. its one of the few things that he will do publically is campaign for stem cell research. but it shows such an inner strength.
  7. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    There are some people in this world you think can never grow old. To see Michael J. Fox last night on tv was an eye opener for me.

    Stem cell reseach does make sense and could benefit so many sick people. My experience in the medical industry has caused me to lose faith in the ethics of that profession overall. Babies will be harmed and fetuses will be farmed because it will mean money in someone's pocket.

    There's no absolute right path to take...I hate that about this world. I need more black and white and fewer shades of grey.
  8. Research to better mankind = good. Even at the expense of lives sometimes, although stem cell research really does sit on the fence on that one, depending on your views. Ultra conservatists voicing their idiotic conspiracy theories = bad. The guy doesn't deserve to be listened to, ever.
  9. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    So Limbaugh accused Fox of not taking his drugs.

    Fox should ask him the exact same question.

    Even if Fox didn't take his medication, so the F what? That is the real deal, that is the ravages of the disease. That, sadly enough, is what one day all his medication will be able to get him to and he will call it a good day.

    Michael J has always carried along with a sense of humor and dignity that I can only admire.
  10. This same sentiment could justify historical figures like joseph mengele.

    Life is precious. Who gets to determine which life is more equal than the other?
  11. That would probably be the countless people stem cells could have already saved, as well as those who would be saved in the future.

    Edit: someone get this dirty 'World of Warcraft Division' tag off of me.
  12. My real problem with this recent uproar is what Limbaugh said. Limbaugh is without a doubt one of the most insensitive people in all of talk radio. The guy deserves to be shot for his comments. The real problem isn't whether or not Fox "took his drugs", the problem is that this could possibly help find the cure for parkinson's.. now whether or not it's ethical is completely open to interpretation.
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    So Michael J. Fox can say what he wants, but Limbaugh is not allowed to say what he wants? Or, as you say, we should shoot him for it?

    Just because he is insensitive does not preclude his freedom to speak his opinion, no matter how offensive. Sure to be told, there are repercussions for your actions - just don't listen to him thus restricting his listener base. But having him shot for what he says is a little drastic.

    testflight made a great point in her post - the machine is grinding America into the dust. Partisan politics is destroying the processes that our founding fathers started. It is no longer about doing what is right... its all about keeping power. Keeping power at the price of losing their humanity.
  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    This is a fantastic philosophical question and one we have discussed quite extensively before.

    Who does make the determination which life is more equal? What is the definition of life? Who defines life?


    No, I am not going down that path in this thread, but I think it is interesting how this train of thought keeps popping up.
  15. I was out of line to say he should be shot, and i appologize for that, but this morning on CNN i saw a clip of his show and he was shaking in his chair, back and forth, mocking M.J Fox. From my background, and beliefs, you never make fun of someone who is handicapped.
  16. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Being an insensative boob doesn't cost you your freedom of speech.

    In my area, those words are spoken through clenched teeth. We have to put up with Fred Phelps within our borders. I wish he would just go back to Mississippi.
  17. Master

    Master "First Ten" Club Member

    My problem with the shape of the current political system is if you are Republican you are instantly classified as being the ultra right leaning, abortion clinic picketing, anti-gambling, religious right. The democrats are classified as being anti-defense, pro-abortion, take everyones money and give it to people that dont work, support every social program available party.

    Most of the time neither side represents what the majority of Americans are, which is middle of the road. I wish the two party system could be toppled and people vote on the issues, that they believe in and the representative that does that the best for them, to often I have seen people bringing democratic or republican fliers and vote completely down party lines.

    Some politicians commit crimes, commit adultery and do disrespectful things that most Americans do not condone - it is not a Republican or Democrat problem, but a political problem. There are many good politicians on both sides with issues they believe in - but most of the time the vote comes down to what his/her political color is.

    Just because I am a registered Republican does not mean I want to see Micheal J. Fox continue to suffer or any other person for that matter suffer from the many different inflictions that can affect us.
    Last edited: 25 Oct 2006
  18. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Well said Master. :)
  19. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Damn right Master.

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