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This is classic...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 1 Nov 2006.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf


    Our troops rule. ARMY STRONG! HOO-ahh!

  2. now that, unlike jon Kerry's comment, is Funny shiznit.
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    :lol: that is great!
  4. That's America for you -
    Using free speech to attack and make fun of another. Remember, Kerry was in the service, and holds the troops in high regard. And where holds the office in high regard, he does not hold the individual nor much of his staff with respect - just the title. Its a fine line, and as the late-night hosts so clearly stated "Kerry botched the joke." (Good thing he's not a comedian~!) ;)

    I'm glad you all can appreceate at least half the humor...yet the bottom line is, one of the things that sickens me the most -
    The Muckrakers have returned. On both sides. There is no law that states the advertisements must be truthful and honest. Many of the politicians in our country have decided to make themselves look better by defacing their opponent. A standard tactic, but one I find banal.
    As someone who subscribes / reads several non-partisian boards/letters, I sift through the junk. Time and again I hear everyone state they are voting for "the lesser of two evils".

    As a voter all I can ask is that you really pay attention and sift between the lines before you make your decisions. We are blessed to be in this nation of democracy. Vote and vote intelligently. As Frank Zappa said: "If you don't register, you can't vote. And if you don't vote, democracy doesn't work. Consider the alternative."

  5. My best friend was in Iraq for a year and in the heart of the war, in one of the worst zones at the time. This picture pisses him off to no end.
  6. Love the picture. Big thanks to sKerry for costing the libs/Dems the House.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Even bigger thanks to dumbass americans that can't see that the Political Party's are not a borg collective. One's mistakes should not carry over to the entire party.

    Down with parties.
  8. Up with parties that represent the beliefs of the people who are members of that party.

    IMO, sKerry's comment accurately represents the elitist arrogance of liberals in the Democrat Party.

    If that makes me a dumbass American...awesome!
  9. As someone who has been voting since I reached 18 and we first got the vote at that age, I have always taken the privilege and right of voting very seriously. However, at this time, I am disgusted by both parties, each of which fails to represent me or my beliefs except in a few issolated cases. This election with few exceptions has me voting against a candidate or issue much more strongly rather than voting for a choice or candidate. That the media fosters this ignorance and the public accepts it is a shame and a poor reflection on our society. I will be voting Tuesday, but some of the selections will have me sick when I look at the long term consequences to the next generations. Our troops, families, country, and the world deserve better than what we are giving back.

    /get off soapbox and hand it back
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    There is no party that I agree with at all - the 2 party system is a curse on this nation. I will vote for the lesser of the evils, and nothing more.

    Just because J Kerry said what he did (even though he didnt even MEAN TO SAY what he said) doesn't mean his ignorance should reflect on the whole party.

    Thats like saying "Well this woman said something dumb now I hate all women."

    I concur with teh Wester ;)
  11. ./agree with wester 100% :) i vote for what i believe in and how i feel best represented, i hate hate hate all the political ads and phone calls for them, and the mud slinging. i want to know what the person running stands for, not the flaws of the other opponent, it used to be you campaigned about yourself, now all you do is spout everyone elses short comings... its sad that that is all you hear, i would much rather hear why i should elect them and what they want to do for me as my represenative. :)

    *gives wester back the soap box*
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea no kidding hehe - this years run for Governer in Mass has been a disaster. I know exactly who I am voting for because Kerry Healy only launched negative ads about the other guy, never actually saying what she would do - just the negative things he would. Forget that, I am voting for the guy who actually attempts to tell us his plan :lol:
  13. The republican party matches your beliefs to the word? Do you enjoy being lead around in life? Between this post and the other thread, I would assume so. o_O
  14. Borrows soapbox...

    And yes... it seems as thought the two party system have polar-oppisites. Which is sad also, because, as Gen Powell said, even if you win, the Independant ticket is a losing ticket. :(

    Both sides are filled with extremists, and it seems those are the voices that are heard most. (As my father says...if you want to know your heritiage/see if you have any skeletons in your closet - run for office...The other party will spend a lot of time and money digging for you ;)

    Like Wester, I've voted every year since I've been elegible, and I've heard people say it all the time (as Hamma re-iterated earlier as well) "...voting for the lesser of two evils..." Heck - even I've said it...espcially as a non-party voter. And that is a sad state of affairs. It is very, very sad that many of us Americans feel that way.

    There are many web-sites representing each candidate, and each 'party'. And there are a few that take the commericals and statements and de-bunk them. I started subscribing to Fact-Check in 2004 when it first came out.
    As We so love our freedom of choice, I will not tell you how to vote, although I do implore you to actually research and take the time to know what you are voting for and for whom.
    Go to your local news sites and review (visit more than one, because I garuntee you that each is slightly partisan as well....)

    I take an active role in my cities events, I am an officer in the ECFE Advisory Council and pay attention to city-council meetings. Not everyone has this luxury, but if you are interested, you can easily get the meetings notes, or attend them...(unless your local government is terribily corrupt and prevents the meeteings from being heard/watched - like we had here in Brooklyn Park a dozen or so years back)

    Heh....sounds like we need to build a bigger soap box. One we can all stand on. ;)


    PS - It would be a VERY interesting expierment if the voting was not in favour of, but against the candidate in question.... (i.e. Next to the name there is a little check box that say's [not him] ) :lol:

    PPS - I like the fact that we are all discussing here and have not resorted to accusations/mud-slinging/name calling...
  15. At this time in our nations history, yes!

    Depends on who is doing the leading.

    In my experience, assumptions tend to be worth less than a cup of coffee. However, I will confess to praying that, Christ, thru His Church, might lead me into His Kingdom.
  16. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I think it is funny how they use the whole "He/she voted for a pay raise for themselves!!11!1!" I would be more worried about a candidate that didn't vote yes for a pay raise. I don't know about you, but if someone comes along and says "hey do you want to be paid more?"..... I will say yes.
  17. Get the soapbox from Pump.

    I have gotten to the point that I question everything everybody says. I know who I'm going to vote for onthe most part.

    I'll be honest I don't like sKerry but I'll tell you he didn't mess up that line. He said it the way it was printed on the card. He read it and didn't think about it until the sh*t hit the fan.

    That's what bugs me more than anything. These people don't care what they say as long as they get elected. I hear ads that attack oppents saying they voted this down but what you don't hear is that maybe a bill they voted down had a rider attached that was not what they wanted. You can say any fact about anybody. I could say Hamma has a control issue becuase he bans people from the forum. It is a fact but its not the whole fact and that's what I'm mad at.

  18. Yea... I'm about 85% set myself.

    You know it - A friend of mine was at a rally before the primary and he stated that the last thing the candidate said was something like "And get our troops out of Iraq now." He said that it was obvious that the candidate was reading and he didn't what it read because of the he said it, he half choked on it...

    Yes, and "he voted to raise taxes 90 times" when in reality it was less than 5 because other party counted the number of times the candidate voted during each of those sessions, etc.... Both sides go from misleading to down right lies.

    No, its because someone called him "short-greasy-spot-spot". ;)

  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  20. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Actually, that isn't true. If you look at the transcript of his prepared text it said:

    "Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush."

    He accidentally omitted the word "us" and now everyone is going crazy. Why would he ever purposefully criticize the troops? First, it would be an act of political suicide, and second, he served in the military. I highly doubt he went to Vietnam so he could tell his fellow soldiers how stupid they were and shove it in their faces that he went to Yale.

    Quite frankly, I think it is ridiculous how real issues are being ignored because a botched joke hurt some people's feelings.

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