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This is classic...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 1 Nov 2006.

  1. I think its funny because apparently Kerry didn't do too hot in college ...so I guess with his 'intellectual laziness' and his 'aren't smartness' he'd get us stuck in a war in Iraq too :p

    Regardless of his intentions, he should have manned up and apologized immediately. Instead he tarded off for a while refusing to...and then finally sent in a prepared text apology - that's high class - ...he may have made one in person, but if he did i didn't see it
    Last edited: 4 Nov 2006
  2. The thing is...when you are in politics, you cannot immedeatly apologize. During election times, career politicians say what they feel their consitituates want them to hear so they can keep their jobs.

    The primary goal of government used to be "to govern the people". I think that has changed. Now government is in the business of keeping itself in business.

    I made a post similar to this elsewhere. If memory serves, it was phrased better than what I just posted, but I cannot remember where/when I did it.
    Hopefully the basic context is clear...?

  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson

    The 2006 elections are only going to give America a small window into what will happen in 2008. With most of the candidates mired in mudslinging back and forth, the common American has disillusioned themself from politics. This is no ones fault but our own. Pump makes excellent points. If you don't like what is happening in your town/city/county/state/nation, go do something about it. With our two party system it is imperitive that you keep a tab on your senators/representatives of both your state AND your nation. Did suchandsuch REALLY say no to voting for a payraise to our troops? Or was that bill packaged with another bill that he could not vote for? This is a very common tactic done by the elected officials, especially in our nations Legistlative branch. There are no line-item vetos when the bill gets to the floor. (I'm not 100% sure on this, so if I'm wrong, don't flame me).

    Did you know that the new electronic voting machines offer you no paper trail? No proof that you really DID vote for your candiate/issue? Also, there is a little 'magic button' that, if pressed, will register your vote multiple times? If you have one of those electronic voting booths in your state, I would submit to you to ask for an Absentee ballot. This way you know who you are voting for and you know your vote will be counted. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15532745/

    Vote next week. Keep track of how your representative/senator votes in the next 2 years. If they are screwing up, toss them out an elect someone new.
    Last edited: 5 Nov 2006

  4. So you are implying that Kerry said what meant to say? That he thought thats what the people wanted to hear? That the whole 'botched joke' line was false? That he wanted to let it get to a rolling boil before apologizing?

    I'm sorry but I don't see why Kerry couldn't have said - "I didn't meant to say what I did. But I do apologize for saying it and regret what was implied."? He did plenty of shoring up what his intended statement was. He wouldn't be negating his intended statement...simply apologizing for the one he actually made. He ended up doing this in the end anyway.

    If you are implying that he believes that his constituents want to hear that our troops are mentally handicapped, I'm afraid I have no idea where you are coming from, because democrat after democrat was on tv yelling at the top of their lungs - "We love and support our troops - they're all geniuses". So maybe not the genius's part...but I mean come on...McCain was calling for an apology...as were a few other Dems if I recall...

    As for your general point: I understand that this is how this go in modern American politics.

    edit: oh wait...McCain's a Republican...well...sorta
    Last edited: 5 Nov 2006
  5. I currently live on who gives a F&*k road in apathy city.

    Politics suck
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Then do something about it. Vote. Then whine, bitch and complain. If you're one of those people who does not vote, then I don't want to hear you bitch, whine and complain about taxes being raised or how the government should be doing things. My wife doesn't vote and everytime she writes out our check for the house she sighs and says something about the new property taxes on our house. I look at her and say, "You know, if you voted you could do something about that."
  7. /sniped due to content/

    No...You mis-understood. I made a generalized political statement regarding the political affairs in our country, it was not geared towards this isolated incident.

    To clarify - Every politican has made errors, and they do not like to admit them. They *FEAR* stating as such. Remember, the media will expound on such things and then their opponents will use such a statement as a lightning rod for attacks.

  8. I thought that's what you might be saying w/regard to politics in general...which I tried to state at the end of my post...but he would have saved himself and his party some grief if he had apologized sooner rather than later - instead he simply made himself look all the more like his party's mascot
  9. im embarrased personaly at our current state of politics..mudslinging...implied or straight out "jokes" to make someone look bad...is that really what we want to hear? not me...i dont' want to hear a future politicitian up there ragging on someone who is running against him..i want to know the facts...what will you do and how will you do it? the republican party is mess...the democratic party is a mess...the dems have a chance to pull it together IF...i say if people think about timing and what not...

    the whole gay marriage thing? don't press that before an election..that will only bring out in the open another thing to vote for those who don't want it...and at this time in our history...do we really..honestly..need to worry about that? don't tell jokes about how our "uneducated" president got us into a war that is steadily losing support...tell me what you would do about it and your solution...

    its all fine and dandy to be against what is happening over there...but dont' spread hate...use the time spent protesting or trying to dredge up infidelities and general misconduct to find an answer...explain what you would do different...im tired of the petty distractions that each party is putting on the partys definitions of what they believe...

    there is a party here in nyc from what i recall a while back..the rent is too damn high party....i may look into that...*nod*
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I got home this morning very tired from another overnight shift. I played with my daughter for a bit, ate some breakfast, and went upstairs where she tucked daddy in and kissed him goodnight. I flipped on the TV to have some backround noise on when I came across this HBO documentry called "Hacking Democracy". Intrigued because of our discussion here I stayed up and watched the entire show. It only proved to reinforce what I've been saying in this thread;

    If your state has one of those electronic voting machines, I urge you to request an absentee voting pack and stay as far away from these as you can. If you want the cliffs notes version, or just do not have HBO, please take a few minutes and look at the following links;

    Please, I implore you. Take a few minutes and look at those links. Your country, quite literally, will appreciate it.
  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I found this post from one of those "dim-bulbs" that are being sent to Iraq. This guy is one of those real dolts "stuck in Iraq". He is a high school history teacher, track coach, town councilman, and Harvard BA and MA. Read this short quote from his blog:
  12. #1) Please skip the play-by-play on the education regarding the american soldier. You're beating a dead horse with a stick.

    #2) As for General Giap’s comments = they are correct. Also, are you aware that they were literally about to surrender - (weeks I think)? But we decided to throw in the towel...

    What we learn from history is that we do NOT learn from history~!

  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Excuse me, but I beg to differ. It is not a dead horse because it is, in my humble opinion, exactly what the liberal left thinks about our military. If we "skip the play-by-play" then we are in danger of overlooking it.

    Since it directly involves me, I choose to replay that sentiment so that I will never forget who said it.
  14. (shrugs) Suit yourself. I would also like to point out that you don't need to 'beg'...

    However, my comment was geared that I really don't think that anyone in CDL truly believes that Mr. Kerry is of the honest opinion that every person in the U.S. military is uneducated and stupid.

    Hopefully I am making my self clear in the effect of the point I am making. If not, and there is still a problem here... please feel free to elucidate

  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Actually if you have followed Mr. Kerry's career, it is obvious he has a clear disdain for those in uniform - odd in that he too wore the uniform. So I personally feel he does choose to see as an entity the military is sub-par to the average American.

    Oh, by the way, the term "beg to differ" really doesn't imply that one is begging for anything - it is simply a polite way of saying that you disagree with something that someone has said. ;)
  16. Hmmm... that I'm not aware of. I'll do some reading up on that. Is there a non-partisan source you can recommed...?

    I know...I just wanted to give you a little 'nudge' :rawr:

  17. hey pump..just look up what kerry did after he got out of vietnam...protests yes..for the greater good im guessing..its just that he has made some poor choices in words he says and people he has followed..i believe somewhere there is a taped (old tv video) of him addressing congress about his time in the service...some of the things that were said during that address were not flattering to either our gov't nor the men who were curently serving there at that time...and i apologize for not having a link or an imidiate resource...but i think its out there somewhere..heh...

    im sure he meant no ill will towards our soldiers...but folks were quite eager to jump on him due to his past actions...he needs to find better speech writers...thats what i think...

  18. weren't we just discussing callings??? maybe this is yours woman :) you could be his new speech writer :) *smiles and saunters away whistling*
  19. I hate political discussions about as much as religion because it is so emotional...but I do have one thing to say.

    NOTHING pisses me off more than people using Liberals and Democrats as if they are exchangable terms. True, most liberals (and that is on a sliding scale just like conservatives) are Democrats. BUT...1) not ALL Liberals are Democrats and 2) not ALL Democrats are Liberals.

    One more thing....Liberal does not equal Evil. The only evil in politics is ignorance.

    *This message is fully endorsed by Bretta and is not targeted on any one specific person living or dead*

  20. Im not gonna lie i will vote for whoever is gonna give me a bigger pay raise.

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