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Gears of War for the PC?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 19 Oct 2006.

  1. Some other sources are confirming it will eventually make it to PC also. I wouldn't be suprised, but it'll be 6-8 months probably. By then some other very good fps's will be out on PC so GoW prolly won't be as big a deal then.

    I'm pre-ordered to get it for 360, will just have to work on my analog stick fps skills again. Got pretty good with Halo on Xbox way back, but couldn't play Killzone for crap.
  2. I don't know, it is possible the PC version may be enhanced or even have yhings the one for the 360 doesn't...

    But I guess we'll find out :rolleyes:
  3. according to the website itself, that's just speculation...unless I'm missing something
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    haha, I agree. From what I have heard, the game play and graphics are great, but the story is total crap...then again they did make Doom.
  5. The biggest problems with gamers nowadyas is really they are just whiners. It's hardly ever the story that's the issue; it's that the game is either too short or too long.

    Of course, episodic content is the future and, quite frankly, people will either have to live with it or not buy the games. They need to find something else to enjoy if they can't stop bitching about projects that developers spend years building because -- realistically, companies could alway choose to make one game in their lifetime and that's it.

    Most people hated the last GoW trailer simply because of the music that was used... the gaming community needs to grow up.
    Last edited: 8 Nov 2006
  6. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Well my statement was in reference to making a movie out of the game, but I agree that people always find something to complain about a game.
  7. Seriously I don't think ANYONE who plays this game can't complain. Because, OMFG I love it lol. It is some INSANELY sweet action. For a console fps its incredibly easy to control. I'm hardly perfect, and yes a mouse would make me 100x more accurate but its still great fun. If this was out on PC, it would be THE CDL game easily. I highly suggest everyone go find a 360 kiosk and give it some play, ahh... ahh... oh baby...
  8. I agree with Daleon, atleast on the sweet game part. Not too sure on the 'ahh... ahh... oh baby..." part... But it is an awesome game and I'd love to play it online. Let me know, and you'll have -Fairfeor- watching your back. :)

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