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Wii Public Safety Warning brought to you by Paladin

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Paladin, 30 Nov 2006.

  1. Ok just wanted to give all you Wii owners a heads up on faulty wrist straps. People have been breaking all sorts of things playing Wii

  2. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I asked a buddy how the Thanksgiving with the family went with the Wii. Said it was a blast.

    Next day his kid brother said his arm felt like it was going to fall off.

    How long before we have the Wii induced heart attack?
  3. The wrist strap will only break when people start swinging the wii around at unnecissary speeds. Speeds at which the remote will not even work correctly because the wii won't pick it up fast enough.
  4. The first night I played bowling I thought you had to really act like it was a bowling ball and swing it really hard. Well the morning after my arm hurt like a bitch, but that isn't a bad thing. Just shows how often I use those muscles :(

    I tried zelda last night, it was pretty cool. But I also tried GT, that race/drift game. I felt like I was playing an N64 game. Did they make it look extremely retro like that on purpose? Also I've noticed that the graphics in general with the Wii are about on par with the original Xbox. Fun, but not that impressive.

    I doubt I'll be getting the Wii, mainly because the graphics aren't up to par with 360/PS3. The motion stuff is great, and it will hopefully help fight obesity, but I can see it turning into a "been there done that" thing pretty quick. Nintendo always had a special place with me because of very certain games (starfox, zelda, mario) but since I've already tried zelda, and will probably just beat it on my friend's system, I don't think I have any real need for a Wii. Playstation 3 will probably be my next system when some more desirable titles are released.
  5. great, more overuse injuries to see in my clinic :)

    On a sidenote, I barely have enough time after work to play on my computer. the only reason i would foresee ever getting a console game is for the kids. :)
  6. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Injuries = $ for the swift
  7. There's a huge problem with going with the PS3 though, Kai. You'll be spending a ton of money on a system that is financially doomed. For every PS3 sold, 25-30 PS3 games need to be sold just for sony to make up for the manufacturing costs... that doesn't even start dipping into the development costs. Many companies have already jumped ship and are supporting either the 360 or the Wii. Just a little while ago, EA announced a full studio totally dedicated to Wii development. Going by trends, the system that EA supports is the one that tends to succeed.
  8. PS3 will have Final Fantasy XIII, enough said.
  9. I dont think the outlook for the ps3 will be quite that gloomy. I know a bunch of people that are planning on buying one, and as the old saying goes, if you build it, they will come. Seems they are willing to take it in the short for awhile for a later profit margin.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Consoles for the lose! :D
  11. Believe me, you don't want to start a PS3 = X360 > Wii argument. There non-stop everywhere I go these days.

    I got a 360, b/c GoW is the shiz. Not b/c the 360 itself is great.
    I got a Wii b/c I love Zelda, new Metroid looks awesome, and Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers, etc all look like fun.
    I will prolly get a PS3 eventually for FFXIII, GT, MGS, etc.

    Its the games that matter, not the systems.
  12. Yes, Daleon.. the games are what matter. But what games go where is dependent upon the success of a system. Sony has already lost some of their exclusive titles to the other systems because the studios can see that the PS3 has a good chance of bombing.
  13. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf


    The problem is that the game guys make their money back on units sold, not consoles sold.

    The forecasting will be everything right now. Hard to really put into words how much these forecasts matter to the software guys and how it directly effects how much money they make off their efforts.

    First milestone will be if the PS3 actually sells 1 million by the end of the year.
  14. Supposedly there won't be, tusk. Only like 400k were shipped at launch and forcasts are only saying like 200-300k more by the end of the year.
  15. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Yeah I thought that number was pretty optimistic when I heard Sony claim it. And if they meant by year end 07, then they are screwed. (I know they meant 06 but jeez)

    Last number I heard was 1 million shipped of the Wii and they are hoping for another 500K by year end. I can believe that one. But that kind of illustrates the point too. 1.5 million in homes compared to 400,000.

    You just can't ignore that from a business standpoint.

    I bought a 360 the week before they came out and LOVE it. I haven't spent this much time on a console since my original Atari.
  16. I'm not saying the Wii is better or worse than the 360 or the PS3, I'm just saying from what I've experienced, the Wii is cute, but not a long lasting system *for me*. Generally Nintendo doesn't keep my interest. The games aren't difficult to master, nor are they very competitive, and no, I don't consider bowling a higher game than everyone else good competition, though some may see it that way. I guess I just like FPSs, good FPSs, something Nintendo tends to have little of. It's also just...too cartooney. *shrug*

    On another note. Guitar Hero II owns my soul. The very fibers of my existence are the property of this game. Can do a couple songs on expert, all the rest on hard.
    Last edited: 1 Dec 2006
  17. I think Nintendos projections are like 6 million shipped by march... somewhere above 3 million by end of year.
  18. I finally beat Free Bird on expert a few nights ago in GH2 =D
  19. Less Talk More Rock. Or Trogdor, or Thunderhorse.... Those ones are hard as hell on expert.

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