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Stuck Mojo video

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 19 Dec 2006.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Quoted from the singer:

    "Call me an alarmist, but this is not about Iraq or the so called "War On Terrorism", this is about a worldwide movement that is compelled by spiritual teachings to convert us or kill us. It's not about Israel or America, if it was then why is this virus present in Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, the former Soviet Union, the Philippines, India, France, Spain and 1.5 million dead in Darfur. But I thought this whole thing was about Israel and America. Then why are Buddhist and Hindu temples set on fire and the followers of these peaceful religions attacked?.....

    This video is NOT attacking Islam. This video is NOT lumping all followers of Islam in with the terrorists. No one in the Stuck Mojo organization is a racist or a bigot, but I refuse to ignore these events so as to keep from offending anyone.

    If you don't like what I have to say, don't buy my album."

    Respectfully, Rich Ward

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ymLJz3N8ayI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ymLJz3N8ayI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2. I'd heard of Stuck Mojo before .. never heard them .. the music isn't really my style, but for the most part i agree the with the message behind the video. The images show in the video are disturbing, mainly because in my opinion, they are not exaggerated nor false in any way shape or form.
  3. So, pretty much religion in general. Every religion has its methods of conversion, Christianity for example ended up with "Love Jesus or eat flaming hell in our self-proclaimed afterlife." Islam extremists follow the more direct "convert or kill" method. Does that make either one better than the other? Not in my eyes. Christianity followed the very same method during the crusades.


    Both religions have enough innocents' blood on their hands to make me sick.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Ummm, Kai, although this is not a "hate religion" thread, I think you are safe from any "Christians" blowing you up or beheading you because you don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. Biblical Christianity gives you a choice - Islam does not. I have studied both extensively and can say that with confidence. Your comparison is baseless.
  5. In this day and age, you're right. Look into the past however and you'll see that Christianity wasn't above killing non-believers at one point.

    I'm not trying to turn it into a hate religion thread, and I apologize if I came off as a bit harsh, but I am very passionate about my own views just as you are yours. It's arguable that one is given a choice in Christianity, but to go into that further would indeed turn this into a religion debate and we all know how those end up.

    Islam does not give you a choice? Wouldn't that be the same as saying everyone who is Islam would be willing to kill a non-believer? That to truly follow the Islam faith it would be blasphemous to not kill anyone who does not believe in Allah? It's the extremists we're talking about, not every single person of the Islam faith. I brought up Christianity simply because it did the *exact* same thing that these extremists are doing right now. And since both are religions, and both have ended up killing innocents, neither one is better than the other.
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2006
  6. I'm not sure i ever remember reading about little christian kids wanting to grow up and kill any non-believers or wanting to be come (spellig) martor.

    Gleen Beck as well as a few other shows have shown videos of what this new generation is being lead to belive. If i can find a link to it I will post it, its what has me worried more than anything else.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    No but Christians have slaughtered thousands in their day in the word of god.

    Extremists are the problem, Evangelical Christians are on their way to joining up with the Muslims:


    You can throw back and forth all day who is more extreme than the other but it means nothing. The problem lies in the extremists in whatever religion they are involved in.

    That Jesus Camp documentary scares the shit out of me just as much as any muslim with a bomb strapped to his or her chest. :lol: Muslims are just the flavor of the moment and they use the tool of Martyrdom to get to Allah instead of massive armies to roll over those who oppose. Someone else will be next.
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2006
  8. You sure? It was happening all throughout the crusades beginning in 1096. It lasted for multiple generations so I don't see how there couldn't have been little christian kids wanting to grow up and kill any non-believers. It may be ancient history, but that doesn't make the crime any less serious, nor display of religious fanaticism any different. I hope you guys are starting to see where I'm coming from.

    Millions actually. Roughly 9 million executed during the crusades.

    Hamma knows what I'm talking about. I'm not bashing Christianity, Islam, whatever. When religion exists, in whatever form, extremists will *always* surface. Christianity is a dormant volcano right now, but that isn't to say it can very well erupt into another crusade when, say, an extremist pope is elected.

    So to sum it up, the idea of religion itself is where the problem lies. Not one specific religion. It has shown time and time again through different religions that it is the most destructive thing mankind has ever encountered. If I'm mistaken, please prove me wrong.
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2006
  9. GAAAHH...stop it...have we not run this fricken topic into the ground already?

    no one religion is better or worse than another...muslims...go to your corner....christians to yours...buddhists...just sit there and pray and hope the wandering jews dont' trip on your robes....and atheists...quit poking people with sticks...
  10. In my opinion the problem comes down to this ; many of these extremists are born into a world where there is only one thing that they have... and that's religion. They wouldn't consider it extremist, because it's all they know.

    I too find that very disturbing, i'm almost speechless by the trailer.
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2006
  11. ssshhht....zipit...
  12. Sorry test :(
  13. thuoght about it, not further moving this crap......
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2006
  14. sssshhhttt.......ZIPIT!!!
  15. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    The problem with threads like this and the last thread is that everyone posts "Ok stop posting" and then tries to get in a last word. It is almost the equivalent of "Tag your it! I'm not playing anymore!"

    Of course no one is going to stop posting if you end with a comment that provokes one or both sides.

    Honestly, I do not believe that we should have discussions involving religion in these forums. It is something too personal for most, and quite frankly, no one is going to change their views. All we can gain from this are lost friendships and wasted time.
  16. SSSSHHHHH.....ZIPIT!!!

    LAST WORD!!!!!
  17. What if we all just started bowing down to test?

  18. well now i could...NO..i refuse to be anyones golden calf!!!

  19. *last word*

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