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Grab som Pop Corn and Watch

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by KickedOut, 30 Dec 2006.

  1. I'm not bashing on anyone, but here's just something to nibble on:

    Isn't it odd how all of these "videos" of aliens happen to look very much like every other "alien" that has been portrayed on TV shows, in comic books, and in movies? It seems to me like if there were aliens out there, they would more than likely look absolutely NOTHING like anything we've ever seen before.

    The "alien" pictured in this video is not new to me. I've seen him on plenty of other tv shows and movies (Independence Day, anyone? Looks mighty similar...) For example: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=alien&btnG=Search+Images

    All I'm saying is... for me to believe a video such as this.. the alien better look like.. well... like nothing. For it to look "like" anything would make me not believe it. It's got to be so unbelievable that I believe it.

    Make sense?

    (again, not bashing. just putting that out there.)
    Last edited: 31 Dec 2006

  2. Aren't all those cartoon and movie aliens based off of some sketch back from around roswell times though? Where the 'alien' in this video came from? And on another note, aliens could look very similar to us.. no one knows. =D
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    The Roswell "alien" theory has been debunked a while ago. All of the information regarding the crash has been declassified for a few years now. The History Channel had some special (called Rosswell: Final Declassification) where they looked at all the information and then compared them to eye witness testimony.
    They concluded there was clearly no :mars:
  4. That video was shot more recently than the roswell incident. It's a modern camera, judging by the HUD on it.
  5. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    I'm an alien !
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    From what planet? :p
  7. I don't understand why people DON'T believe in aliens, to say that we're the only ones in the universe and that no other lifeforms such as ourselves live on another planet is just beyond me.

    BUUUUUUuuuut I sure as hell am not one of those pothead hippie freaks that think that aliens visit earth on a daily basis, or visit earth at all for that matter.

    And upon that, there is no doubt in my mind that if Aliens found earth and discovered humans, that they would eradicate and or enslave us......

    perfect example: puritans come to America =D
    Last edited: 1 Jan 2007
  8. M-Theory. Suggests our universe is simply one of infinite membranes floating in the 11th dimension. And each of those other membranes has its own laws of physics. Thus it is entirely possible that all living beings in our universe will look similar. Whereas living organisms in another universe will look entirely different, but similar to each other.

    The crazy thing about M-Theory, is that it works. Our understanding of the known universe may very well be on the verge of a huge overhaul. An entirely new mathematical system would have to be invented.

    Just do a google search for M-Theory if you want to read more specific details about it. Einstein's missing theory they call it.

    How cool would that be, to be witness to a revolutionary change in mankind's understanding of the universe?
    Last edited: 1 Jan 2007
  9. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html

    That is an awesome program that talks about the macro theories as compared to the micro theories. It goes on, later in the program, to focus on string theory. I was able to sit through all 3 hours of the program and was enthralled the whole time.. I suggest those of you interested or intrigued check ito ut.
  10. from planet Xenon of course.

    I however come from the planet Mars, where you get more candy bars. girls come from jupiter I believe...... :D
  11. venus actually ;)

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