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Uhhh..here's a real smart guy..

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 27 Feb 2007.

  1. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Where do people like this come from? Well, his name gives a clue. Why are some people so STUPID?!?!


    This is so wrong, my Freedom of Speech has been taken away!!

    But I must ask, those of you in the military, would you take out those of us standing up for our Second Amendment? This guy seems to think you would.

    His email is at the bottom of the article. Go get him!!!
  2. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I agree, curtailing freedoms isn't an effective way of fighting terrorism. The assault on the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments by the Legislative and Executive branches over the past five years has done a lot of damage to the country. I suppose it's not really a surprise that yet another authoritarian type got the bright idea that the Second Amendment should be added to the list.

    The author's entire reasoning is flawed, anyway. He seems to be concerned with the threat of terrorists going on shooting sprees in malls and other public places. If these hypothetical terrorists are willing to risk the legal consequences associated with killing crowds of people, why on earth would they be at all concerned as to whether the gun they are using was legally obtained or not? Additionally, the Second Amendment could be useful in these circumstances. Consider this -- making guns illegal will ensure that all the law-abiding citizens in the mall will be unarmed targets for such a terrorist attack. However, if one or more of them are armed, the terrorist attack (and the terrorist) could come to a quick and timely end.

    The author goes on to describe several extreme examples of gun violence, and how they could possibly be terroristic in nature. He may or may not be correct, but what difference does it make? The problem is that people exist who have the desire and the will to kill other people, not that they have the tools with which to do it. If they didn't have guns, they would just use something else. Hell, the average home probably has a hundred different things in it which are just as effective killing tools as guns are. Are we going to ban steak knives, hammers, lawn mowers, and cleaning products too?

    I'm not sure where you're coming from regarding the author's name. Our names don't really say much about us, they can sometimes reveal a bit about our ancestry, but that's about all.
  3. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    I'm getting tired of so many people willing to give up thier liberties out of fear. We shouldnt be willing to give up any of our rights out of fear. What ever happened to "Give me liberty or give me death."? Let the terrorist come here with guns there will be no need to go to the shooting range anymore.
  4. OMG... I know there are some "not so smart" people in the world. But that guy takes the cake.

    I've always like the argument that taking all the guns away will make everything happy, and no violence. That is not the case. If there is "motive" there is a way, and guns are ONLY one method if someone whats to terrorize. I can in a matter of a couple hours, build a bomb from local household supplies, and do enough damage to mark me a terrorist. It's not hard. However, I have no desire to harm people so I'm not "motivated". However, there are folks out there who are and that's why people need to pay attention and watch for things unusual. So, rounding up all the guns is not the answer. However, if everyone was packing an AR-15, I bet some of the crime would stop and it would stop a possible attack. But you never know.

    It's nice to live in Colorado, and we have a nice "Make My Day" law. There is something for the old west laws....
  5. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Yea, when England banned ALL guns, everyone thought "crime will decline there".

    Well, now that that has been the case for some years, crime has skyrocketed to unbelievable proportions.

    Did you know, that in England, one out of four people are robbed on the street, EVERYDAY! I may be conservative on that number.

    In Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry (Berry, or what ever, yea, the crack dude) is proposing holding off the complete gun ban there. Washington D.C. is one of the worst gun crime places in the U.S.

    It's plain and simple. Gun Control does NOT equal Crime Control.

    Criminals DO NOT follow laws. Put whatever law you want into place, only law-abiding citizens will follow it. That's why they are CRIMINALS!! Why people don't get the correlation is beyond me.

    Murder is illegal (happens all the time, with all kinds of means).
    Theft is illegal (happens all the time).
    Rape is illegal (happens all the time).
    And so on.

    Making guns illegal only makes the law-abiding citizen a prime target. We would fight with swords or knives or some blunt object while the criminal shoots us from across the room.

    Here in Ohio, some businesses put up signs prohibiting guns, even those of us licensed to carry, to keep guns out of their business. Since any self respecting criminal who is bent on breaking a theft or murder law would see this sign and think "hmmm...have to go to some other place, or use something other than a gun", I have thought "Why didn't banks way back when put signs up that said 'No robberys allowed". Or women wear buttons that say "No rape allowed", since that is all it takes.......a sign.

    Besides, taking away the Second makes all the rest nothing, as the Second protects the rest.
  6. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    No, the Democrats and Republicans make all the rest nothing -- lately, more so the Republicans, but give the Democrats some time to get organized and they'll pick up where the GOP left off. :p

    I don't wish to imply that you fit this description, it's more of a generalization, but I wish that more of my fellow supporters of the Second Amendment would stand up for the rest of them a bit more -- many of them seem to care very little about abuses of our other natural rights.

    There are four boxes to use in the defense of freedom. In order: Soap, Ballot, Jury, Ammo.

    Oh, and while I'm up on my soapbox, vote Ron Paul for President in 2008. :D

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