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VA Tech

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 16 Apr 2007.

  1. what? you don't think i own a weapon? you don't think that if i could carry here in nyc i wouldn't...not the point...two wrongs do not make a right...whether a person prays or not...whatever...its not about the right to carry or not to carry...its about human frick'n compassion...where is that?

    yes...shit happens...but hardening ourselves to the point that we forget that there are people involved is a bit of a hypocrisy in my eyes...yes..im glad there are people like chuk around...however..im also glad that there are people like the left-wingnuts around too...because anykind of totalitarian view...guided by what my seem common sense to many or even a type of dictatorship...isn't good for any society....

    again..my beef isn't the whole gun control issue here....its taking this incident and making it a gun control issue...maybe thats just me being naive and desire healing to begin before the soapbox grandstanding....
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I think that there are those out there who have to make the VA Tech tragedy an issue of gun control. That was the very first thing that most news agencies were talking about. Thus those who support the right to bear arms have to come out and defend themselves. People say that if you aren't speaking out on something, then you are defending said topic.

    There are hotheads on both sides of this topic who will politicize the reasons to do a courtesy flush if you have had Mexican that night. Thus we've come to this spot. One side criticizing, one side defending. But both sides politicizing. It's a no win situation.

    Unless we just shoot the politicians....
  3. shooting politicians....mmmmm. More beer please! I want to enjoy this show >:)
  4. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Where is the compassion? It's right here.

    I HATE what has happened. I feel great sorrow for the victims and their families.

    But there is a second part to Compassion. And that is the SOLUTION.

    I cannot bring them back (even though Hollywood would have you believe those of my ilk can do that).

    So therefore I must think of the solution as to what can be done to prevent this again.

    It was tried, in VA, to allow law-abiding students to carry. Those who "know better" disallowed it. This is unfortunately the result.

    So now my compassion must go to those families who still have living family in these "gun free zones".

    I'm not going to state numbers here. If you don't know them, then you haven't followed about the HUGE difference between defensive gun use against homicide by gun use.

    Test, you live in NYC. I believe you need a permit for that gun you have IN YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE! I do know that you can't legally carry on the street in NYC, unless you have a seriously good reason too according to NYC. Apparently money and such is WAY more important than your LIFE.

    Guess what, I have compassion for you also. Because your RIGHT to defend yourself, even though you are a Citizen of the United States, is taken away because you happen to live in a state with a mayor who is so anti-gun he is willing to break the law to SUE gunshops in OTHER STATES through his illegal use of state law enforcement in other states.
    Yet he has armed bodyguards.

    That is just one person. But one person who is in power, and has been on a tour to further his agenda...on YOUR tax money.

    My passion is for Freedom from not only the nutjobs that can be stopped when they appear, but also stopping the nutjobs in power who would deny me the RIGHT to defend myself or those around me.

    My compassion is for those who are affected by these nutjobs. Especially when the possible solution was taken away by those "who know better".

    I KNOW you are not anti-gun Test. And I KNOW you are a person of passion. I just show my passion differently. I, for the most part, trust no one. And when this happened, I knew what would happen, so my reaction was to try to calm the attack on what I feel is our most important Amendment...the Second.

    I feel that the Second is like a huge vault that holds and protects all the others. Once you get rid of the Vault, the Protection, how hard will it to be to get rid of the others?

    Once the most formidable line of defense is gone, all that will be left is scrambling.

    Not only do I Protect The Flag, I protect that which keeps It Secure.

    There is my passion, and along with it, my compassion.
  5. Relax chuck. No one is gonna take your guns away. There would be one hell of a shit storm if they tried to do it. And just an FYI I would be smack in the middle of it. I carry too. Everyone knows the media has been biased for YEARS.Thats cause its all centraly owned.
  6. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Not sure I would agree with that. HR1022, the new Assault Weapons Ban that is being proposed, has a little line in it that most don't notice. It states that the AG has the right to ADD to the list of banned guns "as he/she see's fit".

    Washington D.C. has had a total handgun ban for many years. Though recently that has been overturned, but is still in the courts.

    Try getting a concealed carry license in Illinois, Wisconsin, California, New York (I see you are from there. Can you carry concealed in New York City?), New Jersey.... and more. These are "May Issue" states. That means THEY get to decide, even if you pass all the requirements needed to obtain, you can still be denied, for whatever reason.

    Other states have "Shall Issue", which means that if you pass the requirements, THEY have no choice but to issue.

    So, basically, instead of ACTUALLY taking your firearm, they make your firearm useless unless you spend your time in your house 24/7.

    There are laws that have been proposed to tax the heck out of ammunition. If you can't load your gun, what good is it?

    The gun control folks may SEEM clueless, but they are a sneaky bunch. They prey on the fears of others, and do not worry about stretching the truth, or stating flat out lies. The average citizen who doesn't know much about the firearms issue will believe them. That is what they are hoping for.

    How many times have you heard about England and Australia and their total bans and how great that is working? A lot. The truth is, their crime rates are higher than ours are. But if you don't look into it, a complete ban sounds like a great idea. That is what they are banking on.

    Always be vigilant. Never say "they can't", because that is when "they will".

    Wanted to add this. A guy at work asked me about a home defense weapon, and what handgun would be best. I told him a shotgun would be better. He was suprised. He knows I carry, but also watches the news and such. He hasn't investigated firearms, so was under the impression a handgun would be the best. It isn't. Not for home defense. If you think about it, you will understand why a shotgun IS the best home defense weapon.
    Last edited: 20 Apr 2007
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    I think this is the site I went to last night while doing some research. The site is blocked from me at work so you'll have to look at it yourself.
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    In MA it appears that it is up to local authorities to determine. And it is determined town by town here by local police chiefs. They are free to determine the requirements as they see fit. Fortunately the requirements do not seem to bad here in my City. You have to provide a letter saying why you want to carry concealed "for all lawful purposes" i have a few friends around here that have licenses to carry concealed as well as 3 friends that are police officers so I should be able to figure out the mess of laws. :lol:

    You also need some courses, I think I am going to go to the Sigarms academy - the sigarms factory is located where I was born hehe. I have not fired a gun in my life but I have handled them. I think I'd serve myself well by picking up some basic courses and maybe one of their Concealed courses as well.

    Thread derailed :ugh:
  9. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Packing.org is a pretty useful site. The owner has been lacking in updating it, but seems to have gotten back on track.

    Your best bet would be to check for any site's that are from your state for the best information. Here in Ohio we have a grassroots organization that is very active in firearms rights http://www.ohioccw.org/

    I believe if you search around, you will find organizations in your state that have the information you need.

    Hamma, not really a thread derailment, as this does have to do with your right to protect yourself with the tools most effective. That is what is lacking at all of the places where large amounts of people are killed.

    As for Ohio, we have to do a twelve hour course. Ten hours of theory, and two hours of live range handling and shooting. Then you take your certificate to the local sheriff, or any adjacent sheriff, along with passport type photos and, now, pay $55 for the background check and a five year license. It had been $45 for a four year license.

    Also, Hamma, you really should find someone to take you to the range. If they are a responsible firearm owner and show you safety, then when you shoot the weapon, you will understand not only the power, but also why so many peopl love shooting these weapons for fun! Because, frankly, IT IS A LOT OF FUN!! If I could shoot in my backyard, that's about all I'd do!!

    There is no getting around it, shooting is good plain FUN!
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea my cousin has a concealed license, I think I am going to go to the range with him sometime :D
  11. Hello All... Late joining this discussion, but Migs said I needed to stop in. She said reading this thread was like listening to me the last 4 days.

    There's nothing more that I could say that has not already been said. The only thing I'd emphasize is that I WILL DEFEND what is my current rights. I volunteered and was willing to place my life on the line when I was in the military. I took pride and was proud to fight for our country and our freedoms. There is NO PLACE else on Earth that I've found that the people have as many rights/privildges and freedoms we have here in this country. And to this day I still work with men and women of the military who would give there lives for keeping our rights and freedoms alive.

    And if those in power wish to change those rights, I will fight with every LEGAL means possible. That is one of our RIGHTS, and there are many around who would rather you let them take care of us. Thier thought is that you are not smart enough to know what is for your own good.

    With all that said, I'd be honored to have someone like Chuck at my side. He gets it!! That if the people do not voice option and stand up for whats right, then we've not learned anything from history.

    Migs told be to stop typing... I might wear out the keyboard like she does :rolleyes:
  12. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    This is what I love so much about the Amercan. I was never in the Military. My Brother Mani was. And a lot of our CDL Brothers and Sisters are/were.

    Those who are against the Second say that it was to prevent the government from taking over, and now that the Military is so powerful, we citizens wouldn't stand a chance.

    Yet they seem to forget that our Military is made up of our Brothers and Sisters, and they would NOT fire upon the citizens of this Country for ridiculous ideas.

    We Citizens have our Well Regulated Militia in our Armed Forces. They are our Brothers and Sisters. They aren't the governments.

    We Citizens also have our People that Keep and Bear Arms. We aren't the governments.

    We, TOGETHER, are what the Second stands for. WE make up the Second, WE protect the rest of the Constitution.

    I bow to you all, as YOU make me Proud to be an AMERICAN!
  13. Thanks for that link Chuck. I live in Rensselear county now, its still a pain up here, when I moved back from NYC I renewed my permit with Rens Co for a life time permit. I had to retake a course I took in NYC though. IDK why, they just asked me to.

    Sentrosi on the other hand lives in Albany County and I know they dont like guns there, probably because its the capitol and its a pretty big city relativly speaking.
  14. Off topic a bit. Buy... Has anyone else notice that is seems like the areas that have the most gun restrictions are those cities that are the state capitals? It seems that the policy makers are fine and dandy to restrict citizen’s rights at the same time they place themselves in buildings guarded by armed police/staff. Why don't they walk the walk instead of just the talk?

    Ya know, maybe our founding fathers had it right.
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I can say from experience, the military hates the weak-knee politicians as much as civilians do. If the military was ever, for some insane reason, ordered to move on the populace, a majority would be like the Roman Legions and turn on the senate.

    Thomas Jefferson has some great writings about what it means to be an American.
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    That Jack Thompson guy is such a doltface :lol:
  17. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    You are right. The politicians that hate guns surround themselves with armed bodyguards. And a lot of these bodyguards carry, holy crap, FULLY-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS!! Imagine that! And they want to get rid of SEMI-Automatic weapons, especially those that LOOK like a fully-automatic one.

    Apparently "looks" do matter. Better lock me up....I have long hair, tats, and wear leather. Just because MOST of these nutjobs have short hair and look somewhat respectable, they are ok. I "look bad" so therefore I must be.

    Here's something to think about when you hear the gun-grabbers talk. They say that civilians shouldn't be armed....if something happens, call the police. So, I shouldn't have a gun because they are dangerous and kill people, yet if something should happen I should call people with, get this, GUNS!

    Makes no sense.
  18. Ive always thought the government needed an overhaul. Old school way if you catch my drift. It says right in the dec of indipendance that we have the right to revolution.

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