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interesting article

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by testflight, 2 May 2007.

  1. came across this article...what a pain the butt...the website itself is probably not appropriate for those with closed minds...or specific feelings about...lets just say lifestyles...but to be honest...its not about the lifestyle..its about life...some of you know how close to home this subject is to me...


    im curious...for those of you that read this article and what it is about...how you feel...comments regarding the site and the lifestyle are irrelevant...again..not the point...
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The art gallery people were being hypocritical. While they would allow other 'nude' art into their gallery, and because this painting in particular is of an older woman showing her mastectomy, the art gallery deemed it 'innappropriate'.

    Art should never be censored. It's a personal thing and should never be judged by the "Moral Majority", but by the masses. They dictate what I can like and what I can't. I hate being told what is right for me. Who knows me better than myself? I love the age old arguement, "But if I brought my 12 year old daughter down here and saw that, what would I say to her?" How about the F'n truth? That that woman had one of her breasts cut of due to cancer? If I took Kendra to that art gallery, that's exactly what I would say to her.

    Parents these days don't want to explain things to their children because, lets face it, my generation were the first latch key kids. We normally had to come home to an empty house and wait for one of our parents to arrive home. We had our own dinners ready for us by the time we got home and sometimes we ate without our parents. We just popped whatever left overs were from the other night into the microwave and warmed it up. Thus we "discovered" a lot of things by ourselves without our parents help. So now we think that each of our children instinctively know what is what.

    (sorry for going off in a completely different direction)
  3. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I do a lot of nude sculpture and I am a gay man in a woman's body!

    seriously, I do nudes, and there are many shows I can't participate in because of it. My sculpture is not erotica, it is not sexual, but more based on philosophy. it is about relationships on an emotional level.

    So, not only is my work forbidden from many shows due to nudity, but also I work in 3-D. Most shows can only accomodate 2-D artists.

    When nudity is officially forbidden, there are always a few people wanting to bend the rules when they can get away with it and find this phobia about the naked human body in art ridiculous. Occasionally these sympathizers are in a position to slip some nudity into shows here and there and *this* creates inconsistency.

    A work of art is an idea. Just like any idea shared by any person, sometimes it's accepted, sometimes it's ridiculed and rejected. A man and a woman can express the same idea with very different results because of what is socially acceptable for their genders. Someone with good connections can get away with more than someone unknown or unliked. It's politics, marketing, mood, personal taste.

    A listing of past rejection should be one of the areas on an artist's resume.
    Last edited: 3 May 2007
  4. thing is...if you read the article...there were other works of art there that were nudes...the question is..is that is it the material that got the work banned or the lifestyle of the artist?
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Only the director knows for sure.
  6. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I can only say from what I've observed here in art shows. I've seen work accepted that looks like it was done by a 3 year old, or work that is blatantly copied from another artist. I've seen work rejected that is incredible and meaningful in my opinion.

    I've seen exceptions made to the rules when a work of art has so much impact on someone involved in the jurying-in process that they fight for the piece and talk others into bending the rules because of the merit of the work.(for shows that require you be juried in, judges must approve each piece that is shown and there are no refunds of entry fees to those who are rejected)

    I looked at the work by that artist and the painting that was rejected is actually my favorite of all the work she has posted.

    To say lifestyle had nothing to do with it...well, the only ones who can truely answer that are the people directly involved. Getting them to answer that question candidly...that's another thing.

    I sculpt in a group with quite a few homosexual men and there are times when I feel I am talked down to, harshly pre-judged, overlooked by them because I'm a woman. They say things like, "women are cruel, women are mean," and their behavior is different toward other men...more respectful. There are also plenty of times when these same people are accepting of me. ...like moods they go through.

    I cast bronze with a bunch of heterosexual men and they have a tendency to take the tools out of my hands...noone else's. my hands like I need to be taken care of because I'm a woman and can't use a drill. I have to stick up for my right to drive my own screws and drill my own holes and grind my own sprues off.

    I believe every single person in the universe is effected by and afflicted with these kinds of prejudices (which are usually fear-based) to some degree no matter how you try to fight them, no matter how humble you are and no matter how sincere you are in trying to treat everyone with respect and consideration. The best we can hope for is sincere people who make an effort to resist their own fears and open their minds.
  7. i agree half..thats my favorite piece that she has done...the rest...meh...

    im just wondering...because the artist...is quite a radical lesbian...and i know many and they assume that everything that is done is a slight against them because of their sexuality...which most of the time is created in their own minds...i just hope that when she contests this and all...because she will..they always do..that she keeps the negativity and possible assumptions of her sexuality out of it..and keeps it positive as a reflection or representation of what its really about...

    politics touches everything these days...yuck...makes me feel dirty...
  8. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    From reading the article, it seems that the artist's lifestyle certainly played a part. The woman who talked to her said "there used to be a BDSM artist in the building and his stuff was really…you know… beyond suggestive.”

    If his stuff was beyond suggestive, then he shouldn't be allowed if that is their rules. This woman's painting suggested nothing sexual or even suggestive, let alone beyond.

    But by the coordinater bringing in someones lifestyle, the "BDSM" artist, she is basically stating that banning something IS based on lifestyle. She brought that up as a qualifier.

    This painting says nothing of the artist's lifestyle.

    If a straight man had painted it, he would have been seen as "sensitive to the plight of breast cancer victims". And applauded.

    If a straight woman had painted it, she would have "captured the true plight of victims of breast cancer". And applauded.

    I think her lifestyle had something to do with it.

    And I think that is a shame.
  9. I agree with ya chuck. Its obvious these people were basing this on the fact that she isnt straight.
  10. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    obvious? we've seen one side of the story written by the rejected artist herself. She could be dead on, or maybe not.

    I haven't seen the other work that was accepted. I haven't heard from the other judges involved in the jurying in process. I read one statement from one person about whey they felt the need to censor nudity heavily today and in that statement she said she didn't feel the work that was rejected was the same as what that other artist was putting out there.

    ...and there is one part of the painting that is a dark shadow near the groin area. Is it possible we can't see what is there due to image quality?

    I'm still left with uncertainty although my heart goes out to the artist.

    I deal with and think about these issues every day. My work is nudes. I teach at an art center with public gallery space that my young students *must* pass through to get to my classroom.
  11. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    The dark shadow near the groin area...what is there? I bet it's not a monkey! Probably another "animal", though.

    So now we are LOOKING for something offensive. Granted, there isn't much that offends me in this aspect, but I really don't think there is something "hiding in the dark" there that isn't supposed to be there.

    The artist may be lying, but for some reason, I don't think she is.
  12. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    There is always going to be 2 sides to each story. The only thing I can go on is the artist's one, as the director hasn't posted her version of the story. There is only one truth to this article though; that the artist had her work of art banned. That is the irrefutable truth. As much as we 'believe' we all know why it was banned, it would be nice to have the prespective of the director.
  13. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    all I'm saying is we don't have the full story. I haven't seen the work that was accepted into the show and I wonder if there may be something in the painting we can't see from just a picture of it.

    Based on the picture alone, I don't see anything offensive but I can tell you right now that painting as it appears in the photo would not be permitted in the gallery space where I work simply because of the nudity.

    It's possible other nude works were permitted in that particular show because the nudity was more subtle. I don't know. Not enough information. Didn't see any of the other paintings.

    I'm not ready to burn anyone at the stake based on that article and I'm also not ready to dismiss the possibility that there was some prejudice. Need more info.

    You know I love ya, but if I am ever on trial for a murder I didn't commit, I sure hope you aren't on the jury, chuk.
  14. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    You do nudes, but in the gallery you work nudes wouldn't be permitted.


    I hope I'm never judged by you either.
  15. so it seems that the nudity is the gallerys issue....altho nudity has been around in famous works of art for centuries...every single major gallery in this country and around the world features nudes in some way...the human body in its purest form has been copied and represented in every medium known to art...

    we have come so far as a people/society yet still hold onto some wierd belief that nudity in certain kind of artform is..."dirty"
  16. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Apparently it depends on "who" does the nudity.
  17. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    People are trying to draw the line between porn and art and everyone draws it differently. The church was really pissed off at Michelangelo about all the nudes. He had to fight them for every nude he did in the sistine chapel and got away with it because he was such a gifted artist.

    His sculpture of david...the church official who commissioned it wanted him clothed. Michelangelo actually pointed out in the bible where it said David took off the armor that was given to him because it was too big for him. There was nothing in the bible about him putting any clothing back on. This is how The statue of David was permitted to be nude.

    I believe absolutely that bias plays a role in some of these decisions..but not all of them. I also know that many times I've been rejected and i find myself thinking "omg, I suck. I shouldn't be pretending to be an artist." Wouldn't it be easier to say, "Omg, they are racists. I'm black so they wouldn't accept my art." ...wait. I'm not black. I can't use that excuse. Damn.
  18. Wilobren

    Wilobren DragonWolf

    I didn't read the full article. The art world is a quirky bunch. IMO it really depends upon if you catch the interest of the right people. That old "It's not what you know, but who you know" thing. There's been lots of 'art' that has made tons of money and I just can't appreciate it. Then there are those, like that french 'artist' back in 1995/96 who displayed a dead pregnant cow in formaldihyde. Carcus cut such viewers could see the calf. Think he was given a chunk of money as an art reward or something.

    There educational art on display here in Dallas showcasing the human anatomy. If I were a biology major or medical, I might be interested, but I'm not.

    Anyway, just my two cents.
  19. This might sound funny but sometimes censorship is a good thing. If everything was acceptable than nothing would create controversy.

    I think that the curator who censored this piece was completely wrong about doing so, yet because it was not allowed in the show, it brought more awareness and sparked discussion.

    Funny to think that censorship, in some cases, has more of an influence on the exchange of ideas than the art itself.
  20. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Censorship does often have the opposite effect of what the censor intended. It's a good illustration of how authoritarian policy in general doesn't work.

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