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Been awhile ....

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Meow Yen, 14 Jun 2007.

  1. for any of you old Tribes' peeps out there that may remember me. Was in the middle of moving and ran across my Tribes 1 game(with manual and box). Decided that I should see if any of the old clans still had sites up that I might visit from time to time. Good to see some familiar names still around.

    Meow Yen
    Limping Snail
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Hey I remember you, cool to see ya around :D
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Old Tribers never die, they just keep their jet packs in the garage for now. ;)
  4. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I use mine to blow the leaves off the deck and dry my hair. <3
  5. hello.

    we be still here floating around.

    sometimes the IX server is up, not sure what MrSir is doing to it these days. in the middle of moving right now so can't tell you if the server is up or not.
  6. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    hmm name looks familiar i think :p
  7. I remember you well Meow Yen, You played quite frequently on the Raging Angels Insomniax Tribes 1 server many years ago. It is very good to see you again.
  8. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    BTW, he ^^^^^ is WinterKnight and I am QueenRocket.

    I think I remember you, MeowYen, from T1 and Rohan from T2.

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