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Enemy Territory: Quake wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 11 May 2007.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer


    "Then there are the covert ops classes. They place radar, call out targets to team members, and steal disguises from dead enemies so they can blend in with the other team. You just have to hope the other team doesn't notice there are two copies of a particular player name running around."

    I'm liking a lot of what I'm hearing about this game now. :)

    Quake Wars preview
  2. http://www.gamestop.com/

    Gamestop is doing free overnight shipping if you preorder Quake Wars within the next two days.
  3. yeah I saw that vid...

    still feels like Battlefield in the Quake universe, though.
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Word has it public beta will be starting "Mid Week" which means.. today. :p

    They are opening up 60,000 beta slots for both FilePlanet Subscribers and even non subscribers.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    It just opened :eek:

    Subscriber only atm it appears. :\
    Last edited: 20 Jun 2007
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    First time I've ever been denied a beta key because my system isn't up to par.
  7. shame, got my key
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Fill in false reqs :D

    Actually I've been reading some people have had pretty good success running it on systems under spec.

    I can't imagine your comp is that far under spec? :eek:
  9. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Now I'm afraid to ask what Sentrosi's specs are.. :scared:
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I tried to fill in false requests, just comes back saying that I can't d/l it.

    System specs are: FX-55, 2GB Memory, 8800GTS, XP Home.
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    :eek: 2.2 gig 64bit Athlon, 1 gig memory, Radeon x850.. I'm in trouble I think..

    Company of Heroes kicked my ass logging into multiplayer games, so I may have some work to do.
  12. unfortunately ... i'll just have to bide my time... and play wolfenstein et instead
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I loaded it up, played for a bit and was not all that impressed.

    Considering the steep requirements the graphics were not all that great, CS is better gfx wise.
  14. Ya, it feels so much like battlefield but with the assault mode from unreal. bleh
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea Mold same here, it just felt like the same old.. and it doesn't even look that good either imho.

    Already uninstalled :p
  16. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    I'm undecided, it is hard to get used to at first, and it does feel kind of like UT. Although, its the first FPS game in a long time that has given me that "FPS Fix," at least its better than vengeance...:rawr:
  17. I feel it's more like the original RTCW's multiplayer with bigger maps and vehicles added in.
  18. well...for those who have already decided they don't like the game, i'd be willing to take your beta cd-key from fp off your hands ;)
  19. I like it. It is definitely giving me my FPS deathmatch fix. The developers kept tribes in mind when making it, as you can virtually ski if you time your jumps and movement correctly. Also the Icarus vehicle on the strogg side acts much like a tribes jetpack. If you hold down space as you hit the ground in it, it will take whatever speed that you hit, and lock it in so you travel at that speed until you release space. So if you act like you're in tribes and try and hit slopes in hills you can get going pretty fast in that thing.

    Sniping is pretty fun, though the person that designed the human side sniper rifle crosshairs is an idiot. For a weapon that is supposed to be pinpoint accurate, they give you a crosshair with a big box in the center that does not give you anything close to a pinpoint aiming point. The railgun on the strogg side does however, and that thing eats faces.

    It is definitely a twitch game. You battlefield vets will find that the only thing that is similar to battlefield about this game is that you can choose certain classes, and the vehicles feel similar. Bunny hopping is a must, though few people do it right now, it will catch on quick. So if you don't like bunny hopping, or want a more realistic combat experience, stay away from QW:ET.

    If you can adapt to/master bunny hopping, and the whole UT/Quake playstyle (crazy deathmatch bunny hopping mayhem) you will be a force to be reckoned with. Sure you can go prone, crouch, lean around corners, yada yada, but bunny hopping seems to prove time and time again to be superior. I've gone sprinting/bunny hopping by their entire team (vehicles included) many times before in order to get an airstrike marker off on their defenses and more often than not, even managed to get back to safety with little to no damage.

    It is a unique experience. The battlefield feel is in there, but this game is 80% Quake.

    On an unrelated note: look at my download speed!

    Last edited: 2 Jul 2007

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