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Did anybody see those losers on the news?

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rax Nahali, 27 Jun 2007.

  1. This topic, and particular person really gets my Scottish Ire up. The losers I'm referring too are the throngs of folks outside the jail where paris hilton was being warehoused. I couldn't believe it. They were treating her like she was nelson mandela!
    All she's done is make a bad porn video, and show the world how insipid she is in her tv show.....
    For me, she is the definition of useless. Like *&^ on a bull.:rawr:
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    It sickens me to no end the mob mentality in this country. I even saw someone running holding a sign reading "Liberate Paris". And to see she's going to be making a cool million dollars for her interview with Larry King. I hold no journalist in this country above scorn today because, you know, each and every one of them would have wanted a piece of that story.

    I guess Americans are trying to grasp onto something to believe in. I'm reminded of the old Poison song by that same title. Hard to believe that almost 20 years since that song came out the words ring so true.

  3. OMG a Poison song had meaning?? The horror.
    Its sad that American society has lowered itself to be nothing more than a news blerb(sp?). We send astronauts to the space station, it gets 30 seconds of news time. Paris Hilton, the poor little rich girl, who did absolutely nothing wrong, gets the rest of the show. This is so sad. If I'm going to live my life within a fantasy world, it won't be from tv or movies, or the actors in them. There are too many great books out there.
    My advice to America..turn the tv off, & read a book.

    My .02$, and I'm broke now. :)
  4. Wilobren

    Wilobren DragonWolf

    It's why I don't watch much TV. Plenty of other reliable sources for valid news.

    People all caught up in the stupid celebrity stuff while really important news like congress getting the bad imigration bill back on the floor for discussion is not hardly mentioned.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea no kidding :|

    News is becoming more ratings and less news, on our local news station they think up fancy catchphrases for all sorts of shit.

    Example: The floods in TX - a couple people used a pool to float their goats across the water to safety and the dick is like "A couple of TX Residents constructed a "goat float" to save their animals" Is that really needed? Do we need to say "Dangerous Drunk" or other dumbass phrases, we cannot just report the news? :mad:

    I still watch the news, and read the news online. I don't have the imagination (or patience) to sit down and read a book. :\
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hamma needs the Lord of the Rings books as a coloring book. :rofl:
  7. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    One of my coworkers posted a sign on his office door that says "Free Paris", and has a picture of Che Guevara on it. I didn't think anything of it at first beyond laughing at the snark, but the more I thought about it, the more fitting the image seemed. :p
  8. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    If I had written this story I would have said, "Whatever floats your goat"

    The reason news people think of sayings like this is so you will remember what they said. An entertaining flash of thought is much more memorable than dull and boring dry news. People are more capable of recalling information presented to them in an unusual way.

    I do agree, our media is falling short every day. The news is so full of cognitive distortion and misdirection it's difficult to wade through it all.
  9. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    I just got my goats to high ground yesterday=P.
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Sadly, I have no goats to float in a boat across a moat.
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I thought I heard he had the "pop up" version of the LotR, but he could never get past the first chapter; Sauron would keep popping out on page 4 and poke him in the eye. :p
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I never read books, always failed book reports in school.

    Then computers came out.. haven't opened a book since ;)
  13. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I neither have goats to float in a boat across a moat, nor do I have a moat across which to float goats in a boat. I do, however, have a boat in which to float goats across a moat, but lacking goats to float across a moat, and a moat across which to float goats, I can only hope that my boat will float. Do goats float without a boat? :D
  14. not sure on that....but they might be able to walk across custard!
  15. one fish, two fish, three fish, blue fish....where has this thread been going LOL.
  16. symen

    symen DragonWolf


  17. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    They do if they bloat. ;)
  18. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    You people are making my Internets crazy.

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