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Diablo II + Expansion pack

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 8 Jul 2008.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Perhaps Thursday night around...9pm ish EST? Everyone?
  2. Aw crap, lol. I can't play any from Thurs-Saturday. I'll be on tonight, though, probably all night. My name is Strygun. I hope you guys will get on tonight.
  3. <del>!!! Heads up everyone. Don't buy keys from that G2Buy.com website. The CD Keys it sold me have been banned on Bnet - I can only use them to play on Open BNet now, which sucks, really bad.</del>

    See post below for update.
    Last edited: 18 Jul 2008
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well we can always go to openbnet to play then Strygun.
  5. Ok, well, things changed. I emailed the G2Buy folks and they claimed that they sent me the wrong key. They sent me a new one which does work. Closed realm play it is!

    I'm on USEast as Strygun.
    Last edited: 18 Jul 2008
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    allright cool Strygun. Glad to see that their CS was on top of this issue!

    I'm hoping that we can do something on Tuesday night around 8pm. So if anyone else has D2 installed I'll put the info in this thread.
  7. anytime tomorrow night is good too. Tuesday might be good. I'll have to see.
  8. hey sent. I'm available all night tonight to play, but I know you've got a new baby and all. Just let me know if you want to play. I'm on AIM as Strygun and I'll be checking back here often. I'll probably get in game in about 45 minutes, and I'm Strygun there as well (you can PM).
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yesterday was a bad day Strygun. The previous night my wife was up every 2 hours nursing Xander which made her very tired in the morning. Kendra got up real early so I had to go take care of her until it was time for school. I was tired because everytime my wife got up to feed Xander, I was up. So, needless to say, by the time 8pm rolled around the four of us were VERY tired.
  10. No prob sent, I'm probably too high above you in levels now anyway. I think I dinged 21 last night. I'm halfway through act II as well.
  11. I will be on the look out for you guys on there! I recently reinstalled it just for toying around. I am running a druid on US East named Trevalen. I work nights now, Tues - Fri, but will hopefully run into some of you.

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