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Huxley Closed Beta on FP

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 3 Jun 2009.

  1. Game looked really bad at 1024. Was able to go to 1920x1080 just fine. Cleaned up the interface a good bit.

    I'd really like to see whats beyond the newbie areas. But I have a feeling there going to keep the FP beta pretty limited. I also expected PS size battles but that doesn't appear to be the case.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yeah, PS sized battles are a thing of the past. Seems you're battling for 'control' of resources by playing CTF, Team Deathmatch or any other assorted FPS style games.
  3. Well I've been reading a bit on the forums and I've played a decent amount. So far this version of beta (closed beta 1) only has the newbie starter town area, the forest, and the lobby pvp area. You can get above level 10 it just takes either a lot of pvping once you hit 9 or grinding through the forest on the hardest level (did that takes about 5-6 runs).

    From what I understand closed beta 2 is going to introduce more of the world, and I'm not sure if its going to be in cb2, but there are going to be server hosted larger scale "battlegrounds" with vehicles and what not. The main purpose of cb1 is to see how the balance of small scale pvp is.
  4. So any good so far?
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    So far I like it. It plays a lot like Unreal Tournament in the small scale PvP games. The instances are nice too. Gives you a chance to check out your gear/weapons before going into the PvP arenas. I'm hoping the next Beta they open it up and include those larger battles Slammy was talking about.

    Got an Enforcer up to 6th level last night. Was having a blast with her in the CQB maps. Very OP.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Directly from their website
  7. Huxley is far more polished than Global Agenda is, don't get me wrong for an Alpha GA is very impressive, just Huxley is already released in Korea, and there seems to be a split between pvp and pve. GA is still working on skills, weapons, maps, game modes, and their pve AI is very weak atm, and seems to be more small scale pvp focused at the moment.

    That all being said, the GA dev team is really responsive, and dedicated to their game so it has quite a lot of potential.
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I did not know this, but apparently Huxley is going Free-to-Play.
    Apparently they're going with microtransactions to keep the servers going. Not sure what that exactly means, but if I have to pay for upgraded equipment, I may have to shy away from this game.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2009
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea thats usually what it means, paying for new gear outfits special abilities etc.
  10. Yeah I'm a little skeptical as well about the free to play thing, I did read on the forums that the dev or community manager said that the item mall things wouldn't break balance and that it would be more cosmetic, so hopefully it stays that way. I think we'll get a better idea once closed beta 2 starts next month

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