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A Storm is Coming

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 4 Dec 2009.

  1. It's not uncommon for me to post clues and hints on the forums of what I'm working on for things I want to tell people about, but will end my chances of doing so if I reveal everything... again, this is one of those times. You may have noticed this quote on my signature:

    "Just because nobody can alter the past, doesn't mean some aren't destined to fulfil it" - Susan Lungbarrow

    Now there are a lot of people who think "oh he's just a nutter, he is British after all", though it's become clear that the odds of finding a job in the games industry isn't going to happen just yet. This is why I've been writing a couple of tv shows over the past year, and one is almost ready to be pitched to the BBC and an agent for representation.

    The quote may not really give anything away, but it and this thread's title are clues for what's hopefully coming (if I have my way) to people's screens next Christmas!
  2. Best of luck Hynch!
  3. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Dr. Who???
  4. it's in that universe, but that's all I'm gonna say :)
  5. Well it looks like it will be my second project, not my first... it turns out that I can't really work on existing franchises in tv, either :mad: My last alternative is a show I've wanted to do, which could be described the way James Cameron has with his recent movie as an "Action-Adventure Fantasy".

    It's meant for adult audiences though and will be produced in Canada, so what I'm doing now is finishing the pitch before I write the Pilot.

    I've been working on this for not nearly as long as Project Ouroboros (i.e. the original idea in this thread), but I already have a lot down on paper that shouldn't take more than a month to prepare for an agent to represent me with.
  6. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Good luck!

    You know if you get it greenlit we will be scouring the pilot frame by frame looking for a Dragonwolf.
  7. indeed :lol:
  8. There yet still may be a chance to do my first project, but it probably won't be a tv show at first... I've emailed the BBC to find out whether I can write a new series of novels for an existing franchise they make, hoping they will be ok with that and then add to their collection of "licensed" material (basically stories they will pursue as a televised event in the future).

    If I can do that, I stand a chance to make my miniseries for the 50th anniversary in 2012.
  9. Coolness Hync! Best of luck to ya.
  10. I'm hoping that within the next fortnight my pitch will be, well... pitched!

    Then a month or so later, hopefully, my chosen studio will announce something with the term "Project Ouroboros" in it. My inactivity is nothing personal where the clan is concerned; it's just that the majority of my time has been dedicated to getting writing done for my tv show idea, since 3d Artist jobs seem impossible to get right now.
  11. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Yeah but we live vicariously through you. We need our updates.

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