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Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hamma, 20 Nov 2009.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :lol: Indeed
  2. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    You forgot:

    Shooting at Mani online = snipers, mortars, tank rush, artillery.. :p

    Not necessarily in that order .. :eek:
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Looks like if you don't pre-order you get it a week later.


    BAHHHH pre-ordering also grants you weapon unlocks.

    What ever happened to skill based FPS gaming instead of no life based FPS gaming?!? :(

    I want tribes back!!
    Last edited: 25 Jan 2010
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well the software vendors feel that they should be getting paid for us to play a demo before release. This way they've already made some $$, so if the game fails, they've made their money on the front end.

    And with the unlocks, you still have to have coordination to pull that trigger. The gun does not kill people, only players kill people.

    I can't change the world, so I might as well accept the fact that there are no more freebies left in the world. Everything you do will cost you some money. So I've done the digital pre-order from Gamestop. They're having a sale now. Get the LE edition for the same price as the regular game.
    Last edited: 26 Jan 2010
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea I hate the way gaming is going :( It still gives people a much larger advantage than those who only play casually regardless of skill. It's much easier for players to kill people with more advanced weaponry.

    I'm going to wait an extra week to try the game for free, been burned far to often recently.
    Last edited: 26 Jan 2010
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    It's not THAT bad.. You can still try it free before buying, the early beta is incentive to pre-order.. Pre-ordering anything is just good business sense, so of course any company will offer some lure to get you to commit. The unlocks thing is, whatever, so some people will have a few more options than you to start.. I play(ed) MW2 against people much higher levelled than I (with greater access to options), they still get fragged like anyone else.

    I pre-ordered it, been a while since I've blown anything up around Shads ;)
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I just yearn for the good old days wehn FPS gaming was fun and rewarding without silly achievements and unlocks.

    If I try it for free and its good stuff I will pre-order, or if you guys speak highly enough of it after trying it :D The chance to play with a bunch of wolves is even that much more of an incentive

    Especially Asp & Sent... :rawr: :chomp: :rawr: :chomp:

    Oh and we can't forget Mani with enemy snipers on his tail.. :manirw:


    EDIT: Pre-ordering on Steam gets you an M1911... I suspect Mani will be pre-ordering there..
    Last edited: 26 Jan 2010
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Haha, I remember those BF:V days! Good times.
    Haven't received my e-mail for access to the beta yet. Will probably be on tonight to download/install. I'll definitely be on Saturday night if any Wolves want to get a time together and frag up. Say we start logging in around 8pm EST?
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Now I remember my biggest hateful gripe about Steam.

    I thought I'd pre-ordered this game, but apparently it didn't go through and I didn't read the whole message.. Transaction, NOT successful apparently..

    Then I remembered how much of a monumental pain in the @$% it's always been to pay for stuff via Steam. Paypal, (empty) credit card, it never accepts anything I try. I'm pretty sure with Dawn of War and CoH, it was just brute force, and eventually the payment went through. Not so this time..

    So I'll be getting the game, though depending on Steam I may not be in the beta..

    Sad, because I generally like the concept of Steam, but how they can #*$@ up such an integral part of their money making scheme is beyond me. :mad:
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    That sucks :(
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Interesting, because I have never had any issues with Steam purchases.
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    and so, sitting here at work, masochistically I think "what the hell I'm not pissed off enough yet before lunch, let's try pre-ordering via Steam again"..

    ... and it works.. first try...

    thanks and all, but seriously.. #$%@ you Valve, that was way harder than it needed to be.. :mad:
  15. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Maybe Steam just needs to put in a "So, ya wanna purchase this game, eh?" button.

    /me runs for the hills
  16. Although you've already paid for the game through steam, perhaps for future purchases you could check Impulse. They're the guys who did the Gamers Bill of Rights and such.

    They don't have as large of a selection as steam, but they are getting more and more; including BF:BC2 with the pre-order beta offer.

    I'd rather give my money to a company that doesn't want to control how I use the software that I buy from them, than to a company that does.

  17. Argh, ordered it. Man I don't have time for all these games! wtf is with the influx, no gaming really for months and now its crazy. STO and GA start Friday and I still need to get started on ME2. MAG is sounding really tempting to finally have something on the PS3 to play. AvP is almost out to...

    Atleast this doesn't really start for a while, but sad part is what if we get tired of it during beta and don't even want to play it after launch... lol.
  18. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Thx Aeternus I'll look them up next time, before I pop blood pressure meds and try Steam again..

    By that time Hamma will be on his 3rd kick at WoW, so it wont matter in the end anyway :p
  19. theres direct 2 drive as well.

    So even if i order this today or tommorrow? do you get in the early beta? or do you have to have it preordered by or before the 28th to get into early beta?
  20. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    lies! This won't be happening.. I'm serious this time! ;)

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