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LOTRO F2P anyone?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 11 Sep 2010.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Thinking of reinstalling LOTRO just to find something to do and check out what's different. Last time I played, player housing was just getting started. I didn't get a chance to get my house though. Shortly after that I got tagged by a nasty worm that prevented me from playing. So I'll be reinstalling this afternoon. Look for me on TS.
  2. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I'm DLing the client now
  3. I've not played since the beta - but I'll give it a DL and check it out again.

    edit: is there a particular server that CDL was playing on previously?
  4. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    D/L client. Should be set up by tonight.
  6. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    One simply does not just log in to Meneldor.
  7. It wore me out just picking a username that they'd take and then...it took me forever to pick a character name that wasn't either 'already taken' or 'already in use'.
  8. well. i dl game. I have an old turbine account. which I can log into the turbine account screen. When I try to use my Username and password to log into game, it says this username does not have an active account. Yet... No where on their website or under their acount page do I see a way to tag LOTRO to my account. or get a key to enter.
  9. I am going to D/L this today and give it a run. The WoW pipe has fizzled out finally.
  10. For those jumping into the game, send a msg to Marsman and will get you into the guild if you need to be added. Lots of new content.
  11. Ok I have a lvl 7 hunter I started today after download. Any tricks for the quest tracker? Some appear to show up ex. green area etc. and others do not. Also can an officer please allow me into the LOTR area? I cannot find any way to add it. Thanks
  12. Well I'm having trouble even getting to the point where I can attempt to connect today. I start the launcher which sits there forever telling me its 'waiting' to Examine Programs in the Game Update Progress screen. :(

    I can't even connect to turbine websites...maybe servers are slammed?
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I will let you know in a bit been downloading all day.

    And all set Makers ;D
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Makersmark, I'll set you up with some gear. Artisan woodworker, So I can set you up with some gear when I get a chance to log in.
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Installing now...I can do armor.
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Well if you maxed out at 50 and didn't buy the lifetime sub there's no reason to try this. You have to buy the expansion to level anyways and may as well pay the sub. :\
  17. No I don't think that's true- the level cap came out with the expansion but it's not a requirement to level - tons of new areas and quests in the base game will let you continue to level without going into the expansion area(s).
  18. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  19. Would I be able to get Lotro forum access pretty please?
  20. Hamma/Sent,

    Thanks for getting me in to the forums/and offering me some gear. Will be logging on this evening for a bit before MNF so hopefully can hook up with you guys. From what I understand I cannot wear leather until lvl10 etc.

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