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ugh..... shortcuts

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by American Psycho, 13 Sep 2010.

  1. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Ya... I like my G15! Don't use anywhere near the capabiliities it has though. Even the G11 would be a good one (but I like the Ventrilo and Teamspeak apps that show who's talking on the LCD with the G15).
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Agreed. I really like my G15. The little LCD display with who is talking on TS is neat.
  3. Well for those who would like to disable it for a game and then re-enable it once gaming is done, the following code restores the functionality.

    Same directions as the post above - cut and paste to a .txt file - save - then rename the .txt to .reg

    Restore Windows Key Functionality​
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
    "Scancode Map"=-
    These two files then become the equivalent "software" switch to the hardware switch on a G15. Enjoy! :D
    Last edited: 17 Sep 2010
  4. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    By switch, Symen means a physical one not a software one.
  5. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I use the Alt key, comma, and period for movement in games, for running backwards, sidestepping left, and sidestepping right, respectively. On a normal keyboard, the Alt key is below and a little to the right of the comma and period, in the perfect place to mash with my thumb to run backwards, while my middle finger and ring finger hover over the comma and period keys. My ring finger is then resting directly on the spacebar, perfect for jumping, or for a quick move up to the M key for crouching. Then, my index finger is free to hit special actions mapped to the semicolon, quote, enter, shift, and slash keys. Secondary fire, throw a grenade, cast a spell, or whatever, it depends on the game.

    On a keyboard with the extra Windows keys, the Alt key is moved a little to the left of its normal position, my hand doesn't line up properly anymore, and the Windows key is in its place. Some games are happy to let you map that key to an action, and then everything is fine, but this is relatively rare. Also, if the game doesn't let you map it, the usual thing that happens if you hit it accidentally is that the game loses focus and the start menu comes up, which is often problematic. Being able to disable it, either with a switch or in software, would probably be okay. Even better would be if I could remap it in software (probably easy to do by making a small change to that .reg file that Mars helpfully posted) to be a second S key, then I could leave the 'move backward' function set to the default and use the Alt key for something else.

    I started gaming before the WASD thing got started, back before games even let you control them with anything but a keyboard, and I could never get used to WASD. For me, the Windows keys are physically inconvenient unless I can make them do something useful to me. I never even use my Start menu (I mapped a shortcut keystroke (CTRL + ALT + D) to launch a command prompt, and then I start what I need from there), so having a key mapped to it doesn't do much for me anyway.
  6. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Check Logitechs site. I think you can map the windows key permanently to be another alt key.
  7. Thats an interesting layout..

    Personally I could never get used to WASD either. Instead I use QWES, where Q and E are strafe keys. Just felt more natural for my finger position. Maybe my fingers are weird or something.

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