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Planetside 2 - Preferred Handles

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by The Peacemaker, 3 Sep 2011.

  1. So, I'm not sure you guys all feel the same way about your "Callsign" but I really hate it when I go try to play a new released game, and someone has beaten me to my Handle. I know some people did it in PS1 by having people agree to hold a name for someone.

    Does Anyone want to setup an agreement with me (and possibly many more in the clan), that would say, who gets to the character list first create a few with others names.

    I mean what if someone stole Hamma's name or Manitou.... yea its just "put a period on the end" but I enjoy a nice clean name. Lemmi know if you want to set this up. PS2 beta could come out at any time and they might carry the names to live.
  2. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    I would love to have Warwolf off the jump personally. Couldn't agree more with you Peace, that ... or a X in there just isn't the same.
  3. Since I may be famous soon with my TV show, I suppose it couldn't hurt to have my handle reserved.
  4. Cool, so whomever gets on first saves as many names as possible, then deletes the name upon your request so that you can take it. If theres a limit to the number of you can save, the duty is placed upon the next in line
  5. Ok... I think I got this.. So here are the names I am saving so far:


    Check! :D
  6. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

  7. No, no, no... there is only one Hyncharas in this universe!

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