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The new fastest dieing thread...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 9 Sep 2001.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hmmm, this presents a quandary to our esteemed leader.

    1. He often replies with a :mad:
    2. It's about the rally, so he often replies with a :D
    3. Which will he choose? And he can't choose both because that'll just enrage the "Fastest Dying Thread" ghosts and this thread will continue.

    So Mani, you need to make a choice here; it's about the Rally and it's posted in the Fastest Dying Thread. Which do you choose? And choose wisely. For the fates demand it of you.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well played. The Fastest Dying Thread ghosts are appeased.
  3. Charging 200, Clear! GAZAAP!

    There, its back. ;)
  4. Well, since I'm new here, I better get to reading all 223 pages of this thread...
  5. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Rally shenanigans
  6. *rubs paddles* CLEAR!!!!!!
  7. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

  8. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  9. add three words to continue the inevitable...
    As everyone looked...
  10. into SilverTalon's window
  11. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    We watched him.......

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