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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 8 Mar 2013.

  1. Is anyone else trying out the beta this weekend?
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Why not Alwayssunny?
  3. In Philadelphia?

    I played with the missus and a buddy for a couple hours tonight. It's pretty fun. It reminds me a lot of the original DDO to be honest.
  4. must..............get.................it
  5. The missus and I both like it a lot so I'll almost certainly end up playing it.

    @Scrub. We'll have to make sure we get together and play.
  6. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    I loved the other games in the series. I'll probably be picking this up.
  7. I am considering the founders pack on this one...Looks like a great game.
  8. I will have to have a look then.
  9. Beta starts tomorrow at 1500 Eastern. I'll be on and off in the evenings til it ends Sunday night. Hope to see some of you. :)
  10. I will be in and out all weekend...will be going between Neverwinter and Defiance betas this weekend
  11. See you guys this weekend :)
  12. No MegaCon afterparty/rave this weekend, I'm in!
  13. The best thing about betas is the server shutdown underwear dance parties
  14. Ok well my thoughts on the game

    Overall rating a C+

    The games greatest potential comes from the player created missions and that is really about it.

    As it stands right now it feels like a cheap knock off of Guild Wars 2 with less content and classes (I will caveat that it is of course beta so that could change). If they can polish off the game before they go into open beta that it stands to reason that it will do all right, but it will not be any mega success, I mean DDO which is ancient now has more in depth game play.

    I will keep an eye on the game, but I don't expect I am going to pick it back up when it launches.
  15. Considering that I've already bought the $60 pack and they were both talking about possibly getting the $200 pack, I know that Faith, Scrub, and I are planning to play upon release. lol

    TBR, Nilkilla, WW... what's the verdict with you guys after the beta weekend? Did we miss any other Dragonwolves who gave it a try?
  16. The game is just to restrictive for me. And what the F did they do to clerics, I miss my mace wielding healer not that holy icon caster I was stuck with in Neverwinter.
  17. Yeah Scrub and I had a blast with this game. Yeah like any game in beta it needs some polishing and what not but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I have always liked Forgotten Realms and that is alot of the draw for me to play this game. Also the PvP was fun to me..they seemed to only have the Domination arena open but I look forward to seeing what else they release.
  18. Under 4th edition D&D, Cleric is split up into 2 build options: Devoted Cleric and Battle Cleric. It's the same way the fighter is split into Guardian Fighter and Great Weapon Fighter.

    I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the Battle Cleric will be added in due time.
  19. I was sad when I realized picking your origin city didn't actually change your starting zone. Everybody has to go through that same exact questline.
  20. That actually makes sense insofar that you're ALL currently making your home in NW regardless of where you're from.

    I was hoping for some kind of tiny differentiation though: A 1% buff to one thing or another, a unique companion choice, a different skin for your starter weapon... any little thing to make you feel unique.

    Same thing for the choice of Diety. :|

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