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A welcome return

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 10 Jun 2013.

  1. of a greatly missed feature...

  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Saw it in action out there, looked pretty neat. Would love to see something like this in PS2.
  3. Yeah. If you'd have told me last year that we PS2 players would be jealous of the leadership tools availble in Battlefield games... I wouldn't have believed you. Lol
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    So. Battlefield 4.
    Commander Trailer from BF2
    64 player matches from BF2

    I'm seeing a trend here...Madden 2010, Madden 2011, Madden 2012....
  5. We had 64 players matches over a decade ago when Tribes 2 came out! 64 players doesn't impress me much.
  6. I don't think the player count was ever intended to impress us. lol

    They DID tout the 64 player feature for consoles because that is a significant improvement for them.
  7. True, but it was a significant downgrade across almost the entire spectrum on FPS because developers decided it was more worth while to focus on the console market. It looks like a nice game, but your really only getting sloppy seconds from the console world. I don't have an angst against EA, I have it against developers that port games to the PC as an after thought.
  8. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    They used to tout 64 player maps way back when in BF1942 with the intention to impress for big battles. Problem was that anyone even remotely distant from the servers for those large maps couldn't play due to lag. They had to settle for 32 player maps which were my preference back then anyway because of limited access to vehicles.
  9. It's all a matter of give and take. They happened to choose increased graphics fidelity and environmental destruction over a couple hundred players. I'm glad to have a world with Battlefield, and PS2, and Tribes, and all the tasty flavors of the gaming rainbow.

    As far as console influence goes, that's gonna be par for the course for the vast majority of major games here on out; considering that the new consoles are just closed off PCs with game pads. I didn't think BF3 suffered much from "Consolitis". The only compromises I can think of that might have been blamed on console influence were 4 man squads and no commander mode; and both these issues are being remedied in BF4.

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