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Star Citizen

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 6 Jul 2013.

  1. Those bigger ships need multiple players to crew as well, something to think about.

    So really it would be a joint effort on our part to buy a crewed ship seeing as more then one of us would be required to use it.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I hope that the bigger ships allow for multiple bays for fighters and explorer ships. I'd imagine us getting into this and getting one of those ships to act as our base ship.
  3. Ok, WOW. I haven't been able to log into my hanger, but watching a guy who got the Grand Admiral package and bought everything else he could, said he in for over $4k now. Holy moses the ship animations are INCREDIBLE especially the Constellation, wowsers. MUST HAVE. Yeah if we want to split a guild ship I'd be down for it.
  4. We both have Auroras. TBH, she's mostly interested in crewing a freelancer with me... but the cheapest package I could get her with the game and goodies was the Aurora package so I got one for each of us.

    Basically my Aurora is a placeholder. I bought it so that I could get all the goodies that came with getting in early. I can always cash it in later and upgrade to whatever I decide I want... which will be a lot easier to determine as development moves forward. The stats were a lot more vague when I bought my ship so it was just kinda guesswork.
  5. It's not at all required, it's just more efficient than the AI crew that you get if you solo it.
  6. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    So at the moment there's no gameplay, just a hangar app so you can look at your ship?

    I like the idea of multiple player crewed ships :)
  7. The constellation actually comes with a small fighter ship that can dock in and out of it. It's also $275... lol
  8. Yeah, they said that if they were making the game for a publisher they'd never even give them code this early. It's just a crumb to help satiate the fans... and keep word of mouth going.

    The first real "game" we'll get is the dogfighting module which is scheduled before the end of the year if all goes according to schedule.

    Release isn't estimated to be til like the end of 2014.
  9. Got my LTI, thx Khorn. Can't wait to actually get out and fly.
  10. I was just going to wait to buy this game when it came out, but reading more about it now, ship boarding, carrier ships, EVA combat, sex, take my money now and give me a bounty hunter ship -_- I don't care if I don't eat for a week :D
  11. Ok, not going to lie. I sat in my 300i last night making sound effects as I pretended I was flying, sort of like when I use to make car sounds and pretend I was driving in my mom's car -_- If you haven't downloaded the hanger yet, do it.
  12. I'm not sure if I'm ashamed or not, but I broke down...

    My Aurora was just so tiny and my dreams are just so big. lol. Not to mention that the Freelancer reminds me way too much of a smaller version of Serenity.

    So, I'm now the proud owner of a Freelancer. I figure we already have plenty of fighters to watch my ass during exploration and cargo runs! :D

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

    Looks like a Roberts money pit to me. $20.00, just for a small buggy to run a round a hanger. There is a reason why a major publisher didn't take this on. Sorry if I sound skeptical, I will wait for the finished product...
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I think they definitely still have a ways to go figuring out the monetization of the game, as if they look greedy too early it'll turn people off the game, but I think what they've got going now, seems alright.. I'd suggest not spending anything until they actually finalize prices, they'll feel the heat from feedback, especially once testing begins, and adjust accordingly if they want to survive..

    Grabbed a 325a myself, though it's the larger and larger multi crewed ship potential that really intrigues me..
  15. I always respect skepticism :thumbsup:, and understand your hesitation, but to address a couple of your points:

    The buggy, and the other cosmetic items, are part and parcel of crowdfunding. The money people are putting down on this stuff is because they choose to support the development of the product first and foremost. The cosmetic item itself is just a little bonus. It's certainly no worse than a $20 golden pistol. lol

    The reason a major publisher didn't take this is because he never gave them the opportunity to. The entire point of Star Citizen from the very begining was to make the game the players wanted by making them the investors, thereby avoiding a publisher and the interference of their boardroom in the process.

    I guarantee that I'll be disappointed in something at some point. Planned features will likely fall through the cracks and budgets will likely balloon, narrowing the focus of the game here and there. I expect ship boarding and hand to hand combat could be some of the first casualties.

    All in all I'm supporting Star Citizen for more than just its own merits as a game. I'm also supporting the democratization of the game development process. I'm also hopeful that successful crowdfunding can help lead a resurgence of relatively dormant game genres such as turn based strategy and epic space sims.

    /soapbox off :p
  16. Don't say that ;_; My dreams of breaching through like ImperialSPETZNASealTeam6 are so close.

    I would imagine if anything the things such as the FPS aspect and the ground aspect would be held off till later if it comes to it...I hope.

    But like Khorn said, most of this stuff is cosmetic at this point or 'ultra-fanboy collection' stuff to help with development. If I had an extra 20 laying around...fuck yeah id buy a futuristic golf cart to drive around my hanger in -_-

    Everything else seems to be pretty nice in terms of pricing. For $65 you get a top of the line fighter, the game, beta and alpha, $5 ingame cash, ship insurance. It is alot better than what I got for the $150 SWOTOR box I got :D
  17. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I've been following this for a while and have to admin I'm extremely skeptical they can pull off many of the lofty goals they have for this game. Taking a wait and see approach on it to see how it all pans out before I hand over cashola.

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

    I am not putting the game down. I am hoping it turns out well. I played all of the Roberts games. They were great with amazing story lines. I even have the Wing Commander movie. It was just my opinion on what I see so far. If this was going to be the epic space game, that a major publisher didn't pick it up. :)
  19. Over 17 mil in crowd funding, pretty sure any publisher would jump all over this game if given a chance.
  20. I didn't mean to seem defensive or anything. I was just debating a couple of your points in your previous comment. :Brohug: :D

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