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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Indecisive, 19 Jul 2013.

  1. server list for wildstar just came out... We should pick one and a faction to play. I have early access not sure about yall but im excited to play.
  2. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Is anyone playing this currently?
  3. It's not for me. :\
  4. A few people are on the Widow server. I don't believe anything official has been set up.
  5. I play a little, Orias for Exiles, Avatus for Dominion. Not sure which I like more.
  6. Yeah im on widow with damp and nacht we play exiles.
  7. I'v been playing on Widow exile with a bunch of friends from work, my in-game name is Khatovar.
  8. Anyone have a 7 Day trial key they'd wish to pony up?
  9. nevermind....got one :)
  10. I'm playing with some friends on Caretaker. Let me know if we get anything official going and I'll move over :)
  11. Anyone have any friend codes available? I see people have been asking for them.

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