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The real Mechwarrior thread -

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by PumpMonkey, 3 May 2005.

Interested in Mechwarrior4?

Poll closed 23 May 2005.
  1. Yes, I have a copy and would love to play!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Not interested!

    0 vote(s)
  3. I'm a lemming. If there is enough interest and I'll get a copy.

    1 vote(s)
  1. I'm up for a game or two sometime~!

    Anyone else?

    Last edited: 3 May 2005
  2. *enemy power up detected*

    earlier this year I bought the mw4 combo pack and played out the campaigns.... its an awsome game. Mechwarrior has always been one of my favorite game series because its so emersive and just cool.

    My ultimate dream would be to play in a simulated mech wargame where you get into one of those VR rides that simulates movement and on the inside is a full blown cockpit of a mech with wrap around VR screens for windows.
  3. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Which MW PM?
    I have 4 + the expansion packs
  4. The abondonment of Mechwarrior 5's development was taken pretty hard by myself and a lot of others I knew who love playing the games (MW4, MW4: MERCS). Having said that, there are rumours that Microsoft will soon be closing the servers that can run those games...
  5. I'll double-check when I get home, however, I believe I have
    Mechwarrior4, Black Knight & Mercenaries.
    I never played the two expansions, just M4 - the quick "Mission" scenarios and some on-line Multiplayer when Race and I worked together.


    ORANGE DragonWolf

    MW2: Mercs ftw.
    BtW can I hijack the thread for a sec saying I hate WizKids and I miss FASA, and I'm not talking about FASA Studios.
    But yeah I've still got it around someplace and may be willing to reinstall.
  7. Always been into the MW series. Defintely up for a game or two. Gives me a reason to dust off my joystick.
  8. Yes, I've dealt with WizKids - we were looking at making a title based upon their "Clix" line (The Fantasy / Dungeon one). They wanted an extrordinary amount for the license, and we subsequently dropped them like a burnt match. ;)


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