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LVL 60 priest

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by teko, 10 Jun 2005.

  1. Holyorder is name and she is a lvl 60 priest 26disc/25holy specced, looking to join CDL.
  2. Thanks for applying to CDL! :D
    What else could you tell us about yourself? :p
  3. Greets and Welcome :)
  4. well i basically play a good bit especially on weekends im on all day and most of the night but playtimes depend on weekends depend on whether i have stuff around house to do or school work but as of now during the week im online after 5 pm central and normally get off around 12 or 1OHH DID I MENTION IM A HEAL BOT
  5. Yeah, you were healing my tank (Nadera) during that UBRS run the other day, the only time I died was when you got backstabbed by the assasin in the other room and someone made the beast angry :eek:
  6. I remember holyorder from battlegrounds. quite helpful :D

    gl on the aplication
  7. lol yea i remember you mold you were the only one that i could really heal because the other 2 guys would always run out of my heals and together me and you did kill a bunch of horde and nadera yea i know it wasnt my fault that i got backstabbed for a crit and im dead lol and i now have ctraid which makes healing raid groups alot easier and it keeps healers alive.
  8. welcome to CDL. I hope you enjoy us...and be afraid of Arglaar...he might bite you...but dont worry he doesnt have any diseases. Other than that, I hope to be grouping with you soon and best of luck to you.
  9. Arglaar does not bite!!! and i got him his rabies shots not that long ago.. i think the tags are still up to date!

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