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Anyone have NWN cdkeys they want to sell?

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Gorpheous, 21 Jun 2005.

  1. I came across this pretty cool sounding NWN persistant world that I wanted to check out. The more I read about it the cooler it sounded. So I decided I would re-install the games this week and see if it was half as cool as it sounds. Problem lies in that I cant find my manuals for the two expansions and thus cannot find the cdkeys to re-install. Ive found a few keys that will actually let me install it, but none that will let me play online, because of course they track all the rouge keys and ban them. So, anyway, if anyone has some valid keys for NWN Shadows of Undrentide of Hordes of the Underdark laying around collecting dust hook me up so I can fulfill my dream of roleplaying a disease ridden leper begging for spare copper on the streets of Arabel.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I might have mine still Gorph. No need to buy it... if I find it I will PM it to you.
  3. Thanks Mani, that would be sweet. If not I guess I can just go to Walmart or something and buy the Platinum edition for like $30, but I'd hate to have to pay for the game twice and not even have a bot to show for it :)
  4. Oed


    I may have them laying around as well (if you still need)...will look tonight and PM you.

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