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Applying for CDL

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Ryan, 10 Aug 2005.

  1. Hi,

    My name is Ryan. I just recently got WoW as a graduation gift, and have really enjoyed this game. Although I've been offered many guild invites, I wanted to stick with a guild that I know is honorable and reliable. I have seen many members of CDL in action, and spoken with some people associated with this guild. I have been very impressed, and my friend's aunt, Xiane (Gnome Warlock), suggested that i apply. I'm not certain that you are currently accepting new members, but it would be much appreciated if you would let me prove my worth to the guild. I am currently using Victyr, a Gnome Mage as my main, and though he is still at a low level, I am confident that i can be helpful to the community. I hope to hear from some of you soon.

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!
  3. a gnome.....AND a mage...hrrmm....two of my most favorite things....

  4. I'm sponsoring Ryan for recruitment. He and my nephew are good friends and I have gotten to know him through playing the game. He is a very nice person and a dedicated player. I think he will be a good match for the guild. :)
  5. I want dirt on Xiane.. she's too quiet. Although that may just be when I'm around... because... i'm cyrus...
  6. and your point is ?

    Greets and Welcome :)

    ignore cyrus, you can ask Xiane, we all do :)
  7. I would like to thank you for the invitation, and would like to let you know that I'm always ready to help out. It may take me a little time to overcome my low level, but I'm determined not to disappoint anyone.
  8. Welcome Ryan. Thank you for your eagerness to help out and be a part of our family. I look forward to seeing you in game.
  9. Welcome, Ryan. Don't worry about being low level. Part of being in the guild is the satisfaction that comes with helping each other out.
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Not all of us ignore Cyrus Mignonne.

    /pets Cyrus
  11. Oh My!!!!:eek:

  12. He edited out what we both share with the Cyrus after that.

  13. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Aye. Edited so virgin eyes are not despoiled.
  14. thank goodness for someone with common sense .. i would not wish to be despoiled before my time :)
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  16. Hail Ryan,

    Look me up anytime in the game (Zabdiel). I would love to help out in your level advancement. Send me a message anytime and I will come and help.

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