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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by DonkeySmiler, 17 Aug 2005.

  1. Yeah, think I'm going to retire the warrior and play a ninja. o_O
  2. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    You are such a masochist :D
  3. Have fun being only able to play gollem. :) ninjas are teh suck even if you are good with the grab move.
  4. I am, but as to why it would cause my computer to lock up and require a restart...
  5. I love this GAME :)
  6. Can't get into any matches, looks like it could be fun though.
  7. Yes, I think everyone should give this game a shot. The PvP goodness never ends.
  8. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Ouro, give me your address! I am going to swing by and break one of your mouse keys so you can't pull off all your crazy grabs :D
  9. People whose names start with O and rhyme with chloroboris should check their PMs.
  10. People whose names start with K and rhyme with boo should idle in IRC.
  11. Come Back To Me Rakion I Need You :)
  12. Open starts 2 weeks after closed ended
  13. Gay i will be in boot camp.
  14. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I just hope they fix the disconnects/cheating.... then I will be a happy boy. Anxious to get back in game! :hump:
  15. Connection issues decreased drastically after their last patch. But yeah, the cheating needs to go.
  16. Im falling in love with gunz...
  17. true dat boo
  18. thing is: Rakion's now closed and gunz is still going :D

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