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WoW - Laughing Skull

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Sixth, 5 Sep 2005.

  1. Hey,

    It's too early for me to post an application, but I figured I'd go ahead and throw my name out there.

    Right now I'm a 37 Human Warrior, Mining / Engineering. I've only been on Laughing Skull for a few weeks, so I'm still learning guilds and people's names.

    I have a 60 Rogue and 50 Priest on Kel'Thuzad and have run most of the high level instances. I was living in Japan up until July of this year, so coming back to the states has made it hard to play with old friends on Kel. I have a couple of RL friends on Laughing Skull (1 in Spite, the other in another guild) so I decided to switch over so I can have some familiar names running around.

    Anyways, wasn't sure what to do about a guild. I haven't joined another one yet. I play about 8-10 hours a day, so I'll be leveling up pretty fast. I PvP a lot, but also enjoy raiding.

    I'm not sure what else to say. Just wanted to get to know you all. :)

    I'll level up asap so I can play with you, as well.

    Take care,

  2. hail six...and welcome...we have a group of people that enjoy the pvp aspect also...and are quite dedicated and competent to/it...look forward to seeing you ingame...we have a few alts around your lvl...feel free to pop one of us a whisper for some questing :)
  3. こんばんは! ゲームの会う希望
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!
  5. Greets and hello :)
  6. If anyone's ever doing SM and needs a tank, i'll drop whatever im doing to come help out.


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