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Civilization IV

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Firez, 12 Sep 2005.

  1. Any Civ fans out there? Civ IV is bringing a whole new light to the game by removing a lot of the crap from Civ III and several new idea's like no base government system, but a full civics system. IE you won't start out as in despotism but be a barbaric, decentralized despotism with tribal labor and practicing paganism. Ah and speaking of such, religion has been added to the game. It sounds absolutely grand and is going to be full 3D. You can find a collection of all the info at Civ Fanatics.

    But heres some screenies to pump your interest(see them all at Civ Fanatics.) :D
    New zoom levels that you can mark resources and see from this level:
    Last edited: 14 Sep 2005
  2. ooh i used to play Civilization:Test of Time
  3. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Love the Civ series....will be getting this game :)
  4. Awesome, I enjoyed all of the Civilization games I've played.
  5. been following this for a while now and I think it has a LOT of potential. It's new release date (which has been moved up) is at the end of october. I can't wait!
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Looks cool - I've played a few and they were fun
  7. Eb games has moved it's ship date up to oct 24th and now has the box art. This appears to be the new release date! Just lookin for some people to play this with after release. Anyone around here have saturdays open? ;)
    Last edited: 13 Sep 2005
  8. I have already preordered it. I started playing the game on my 286 some years ago. I got my wife hooked on it now she plays more than I do.

    The order is for Christmas for her so don't say anything. ;)
    Last edited: 13 Sep 2005
  9. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I loved the Civ games, and will probably pick this up to spark some interest.. I know Redeyes liked these too..

    It will be fun to have someone other than the computer to subjugate under the bootheel of my despotic authoritarian military will..

    ...errr.. I mean.. negotiate peaceful relationships with.. :p
  10. Ohh, Asp is one of those crazy Civ players. My friend used to sit in the corner giggling like a maniac while playing Civilization.
  11. pre-ordered it today. EB has all the info for the pre-order now, it will be out oct 25th so you may have to give it to her early race. ;) I would love to play with some hardcore people, asp, ouro. If I get beat, then I have something to learn from. The nice part is, this comes equiped with an alliance mode, IE: you share borders, you share wonder bonuses and you will be able to assist each other in defense.

    oh and if you a maniac Civ player, you should check this out. You'll be glad you did
    Last edited: 13 Sep 2005
  12. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder


    i played the first civ game for about 8 hours straight one day
  13. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    I to love the Civ games. I'll be picking up a copy for sure.
  14. Oed


    I can not wait. Played the series from the first one, got the wife hooked (and now she is better than I am at it).

    It really does not matter what they do with the series, I will still buy it.
  15. I had a couple for 14-16 hour Civ 2 binges with some friends.
  16. i LOVED the Civ games...ever since the first one...played my people like puppets...made peace with the other nations...then swept an arm of destruction across the land and became the undisputed ruler of the world!!!!

    im definitly getting this bad boy....
  17. i got to preorder my copy yesterday...at this rate i will never play WoW again...whoa somebody smack me i cant believe i just said that:eek:
  18. WoW is evil!

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