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City of Villans

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Mignonne, 14 Aug 2005.

  1. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    So, Anyone whos gotten a pre-order disc been able to get into Beta yet, I would like to hear what people think firsthand about this. Im wanting to check it out and would definatly buy the pre-order if I could get into beta right now.
  2. I haven't received a Beta invite yet and I've been checking pretty regularily - anybody else in beta?
  3. Cthuga made it in hes been playing, ill tell him to let us know.!
  4. I pre-ordered, did he? oh man..

    Since I have never played City of Heroes, what is the game like?
  5. You know what it is..that stupid PlayNC account has got me all messed up...I wonder if I screwed that up. I'll try again when I get home.
  6. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    hmmm they announced no additional fee to play both CoH and CoV
  7. ya i saw that. i think because the play card thingy that you get online, is universal for a few of their games? not sure :) but pretty cool!
  8. ...still waiting on my pre-order closed beta invite...
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I know that Fileplanet is giving out stress test betas for this weekend.
  10. Yea I saw that...but what about those of us that pre-ordered? I was expecting on receiving that a couple of weeks ago.

  11. If they do pre-order beta for CoV like they did pre-order beta for CoH it'll be at the most a week early access to the game.

    CoH was 3 days.

  12. Boooooo!!

  13. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Hey all. Back from the dead again. Between Katrina (300 semi's of camping gear sent to the area) and being in a beta for a game that releases in 2 weeks, time has been tight.

    Anyways. They lifted the NDA this week so I am free to discuss City of Villians.

    Better yet. I have something to give out. After our esteemed Mani responds.= one way or the other that is.

    However you guys may be interested in CoV more than you realize. In addition to the fact you can be a dispicable human(or whatever) and really blow off some steam. (and you are saying to yourself, so?)

    There are bases. (Who cares?) They are persistent to the world. (OK, so?)

    You build them yourself. (That is kinda neat) You set up the defenses. (OK, cool)

    Can you say "chaingun crossfire"?(Chaingun crossfire?) Armed lackeys? Hanging out in the base repelling intruders?

    Real humans will try to bust into your base in real time. Both villians and heroes from City of Heroes.

    There are crystals that grant additional powers to EVERYONE in your group. You get them and they are housed at your base and other people want them...

    You can steal them from other bases. (drool)

    Yes you. A super powered thug in charge of a high end base that is of YOUR DESIGN that you can share with 50 of your closest friends.

    Sorry but if that doesn't sound cool. Then I am getting to old to know cool.

    Also, preorder invites started going out Monday.
  14. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Just got my invite
  15. Hmm, it looks like CoH will get bases as well. Maybe I'll have to renew my subscription... or just buy CoV
  16. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Yep the same monthly fee gets you both. And as you get a free month with CoH and since you can now get even the DVD version for $30, they are betting on a lot of people doing the 'might as well' purchase.

  17. I am downloading now. It says 9 hours at an average of 77K? Holy crap.
  18. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    Yeah it is a monster. It was 1.6 gig for me. Should actually be less for the people joining this week.
  19. I am in the beta now, have a Ninja and a Ninja controller both around lvl 4.

    Im on Test 01 i think its called.
  20. My download of the CoH test timed out during the night with 5 hours left to go - I restarted before going to work so we'll see when I get home. Since I didn't have CoH previously, I have to download the CoH test server and then start up the CoV zip file.

    1.6 gig should not take me 9 hours - WoW IS a monster and I downloaded the beta for that in a little over an hour. Is it the server?

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