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City of Villans

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Mignonne, 14 Aug 2005.

  1. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    somone hooketh meh up with an invite :O
  2. I renewed CoH and I may end up getting CoV. Who still plays CoH?

  3. havint ben on in a week so i misd some kee give outs but if anybody still has extras id be very intrested :)
  4. Arglaar, shrike (kath), Myself have been playing COV couple days now. Very much like COH, but new features and new zones (all new zones for villans)
    and of course I'm looking foward to the pvp aspect. Im sure Ill have a few months of fun with the game. Long term potential I am less convinced of, but who knows.

    Come join the fun if you like.
  5. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I tried CoV and within minutes the CoH headaches started pounding my brain :eek: The lair stuff does sound cool though.... keep us updated on any base strikes!
  6. what server are you guys playing on and such ? not that i am getting it :) just for curiosity sake :) i am considering :) (no promises)
  7. I've got the game still in the box - I haven't had time to play Civ 4 let alone even think about playing CoV...I might hold up and trade in CoV for a game on the horizon if I don't stop working like a madman...friggen cheesecakes.;)
  8. Our Heroes and Villains are on Victory.
  9. you can have them both on the same server??????? wow! :eek:
  10. It's not a recognized division of the CDL so it is okay. There doesn't seem to be any interest in making it a division in the future so the CDL playing against CDL as recognized in the CoC does not apply.
  11. i was just thinking of the "crossing" over fact, that the game itself would allow you to have both on the same server :) as it would allow people to cuss eachother out and stuff... in game if they got killed, they could hop over to their "good" guy and cuss out the other guy, but then again since i have not played it, they may allow them to communicate anyways :) so it may just not matter.

    i know that in both WoW and Daoc, if you are one faction you can not be the other on the same server :) that is where my comment was coming from :)
  12. the PvP in the game is DAOCesqe in the fact that you can go your entire career in-game and not encounter anyone from the other side.... there are zones dedicated to PvP and it only happens in there.

    Since the Heroes and Villains all speak the same language, it's possible for you to speak to each other in /say but So far I haven't seen any asshats that are doing any taunting...

    It does give a cool opportunity to set up "duels" and stuff between both sides...

    Like Last night when I logged in one of my heroes and shads and I were testing some things out on his villain.

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