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Political Correctness Humor

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by KaozReign, 13 Dec 2005.

  1. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    No offense here either -- I feel almost exactly the same way. I'm not religious either, though I hesitate to call myself an atheist, as I can't say for sure that a deity/deities exist or not. I've never felt comfortable with any of the various labels, as I ultimately don't really care about religion. It's just not something I think about very much. I think I'm just mincing words, though. :p

    Happy whatever you choose to celebrate! :cheers: Me, I'm going to celebrate that I don't have to work next week. I'm going to relax, sleep late, spend some quality time with my wife, read a book or two, play some games, maybe catch a movie -- basically whatever I feel like doing. It's going to be great! :D
  2. so.... Im at the mall....

    some 20 something female store clerk says "happy holidays"

    I reply "Merry Christmas"

    she replies "you cant say that"

    I reply "why not"

    she replies "Cause you might offend some people"

    I say "well, your offending me, right now, Ill say what I want"

    she turns and leaves, with this snotty, Hmmph.....

    True story.

    "The way I see it, children associate Christmas with free crap, and lots of it. They don't care why they get it, but some "Fat Guy" brought it because they were "Good". I Quoted "Good" because I'm quite sure you and I have not met the same children in our travels, but nonetheless their parents give them what they want to make it through another day with the absence of kicking and screaming only to be met with a spoiled brat in the end of it all. "

    there may be some truth to this, however, I can assure you our children are not one of these. We dont put the tree up until a few days before christmas, And we dont decorate it until the day before. We celebrate advent before christmas with nitely family gatherings, baking together, and preparing for christmas. We dont take the tree down the day after christmas either. The 12 days of Christmas as in the song actually starts the day of Christmas. We celebrate the 12 days of christmas each day with some special event. It may be a small gift, or a day out sleding, or a family trip to the movie. Yes we share gifts, but that is not the sole focus of Christmas. Unfornately, the media has bent any meaning out of the real reason this time of year came to exist.

    I dont care if you dont believe in Christ, but what really amuses me is when People celebrate christmas with no idea why, other then you put lights up, and give gifts to people, max out the credit card and spend the rest of the year paying it off.

    I have amused my self even more by authoring the following song

    Tis the season for depression
    Falalalala la la la la

    Paxil, prozac, and Effexor,
    Falalalala la la la la

    Shoot me in the butt with Haldol
    Falala lalala la la la

    saw my shrink but he's worse then I am
    Falalalalala la la la la

    I can't think why anyone wouldn't get depressed during this season unless they celebrate it for the right reason. Its freakin cold, You spend a bunch of money and go in debt, you have to put all these decorations up, Eat fruit cake which you dont like, and say thinks you dont want to say, like Happy Holidays.

    so shall we start a debate about the ten commandants being displayed in public places? :) Ok, ill just say, even if your not religious, whats wrong with living your life by a code of 10 guidelines which impart some sort of morality on Human kind, things as basic as Dont Kill, dont commit adultry, dont steal, Respect others. Go figure

    why do I go into these rants anyway? I guess I want my children to grow up in a good world, its like Im fighting for my childrens innocence at every turn.
    Last edited: 23 Dec 2005
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Well said Swifty. :love:
  4. One of the things I dislike about this time of year is the "must...buy...presents" ordeal. That bit PUSH seems to be a common dislike for many of the others in -CDL- as well.

    For me personally - I'd rather buy someone a present because I felt like it. Because I want to. The time of year is not required to inform me when to perform specific ordeals that I can perform at another time equaly well.
    For some it is a 'holy' time, for others a time to be more 'cynical' and for others such as my father in-law who *enjoy's* shoping on the 24th of December, (He was a Captain in the Duluth Fire department, I think this may be because he was hit on the head one too many times by falling beams~!) it is 'crazy' time~! :thumbsup:
    To each their own.
    If I may paraphrase a line from a speech my wife once gave
    "...we are the group of people that will take the icon of Politically Correctness, hold it close to our chest, inhale, then thrust out our arms, take two steps, drop it, and kick it like a football!"
    Ahem...but it is late, I'm tired and I digress.

    Soooo.... I reckon it is 'the season'. Whatever it is that makes you all happy - go for it and I hope everyone is treated well~!

    As for me, I'm going to open up a bottle of rum and a carton of egg-nog, kick back, watch "A Christmas Story" and pine for my own leg-lamp. :D

  5. A newfound respect i have for Swifty even though I don't know him personally.
    I find it heartfelt and uplifting to see some people still remember why Christmas is Christmas and not just a holiday for Shtuff.

    My view on the whole 10 Commandments deal, I think the reason people don't want them displayed publicly and whatnot, is because those 10 commandments (or 15 if you watched "History of the World part 1") are from God giving them to Moses i believe, I'm not huge on past religions or even how the stories go, but i think that's right. Thus being ONE view of how to live, by following "God". But as I understand it, each religion has their own "10 Commandments" if you will; a basic set of rules of what to do and not to do. I think i remember something from school about the 5 Pillars of Islam? Muslim? something, But it's an even more simple version of our 10 com.

    So obviously not everyone in the USA is going to agree with putting up just one set of 10 Commandments. However, those 10 are what I myself grew up learning, and though I've broken a couple over the years, they are what I can say I live by even though I don't really believe in God and all that bible hooey.

    (Just wanted to add one note about my last post, Yes, i know not all kids are spoiled brats and certainly didn't intentionally make it sound that way, but i think you all understood that even though i didn't specify.) :D

    In the words of Dennis Leary on Comedy Central recently: "Merry F#%$in' Christmas."
  6. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Actually there are around 630-something Laws. Those ten are called the decalogue and are the ones most people are familiar with. The Law was given to the Hebrews by God to show them how to conduct their lives. It's actually a very interesting study. :)

  7. a scarry thing, my mother came across some old manaquinn legs and made them into some pretty "hot" looking lamps :) she tried to sell them on ebay, everyone feel in love with them, but she was asking way too much :) LoL

    anywho :) Merry Christmas :)
  8. When I was younger, my roommate was going to College of St. Thomas and he sat down with the Theology professor and asked him a lot of questions. You the usual, he wanted an over naming of all the religions "If a person thinks 'so-n-so' what are they?" and the instructor would answer.
    Then he asked "But what if someone believes in a Supreme Being (such as God) one day, then they do not the next?"
    The professor answered..."I'd call that normal."

    I belive he said that a few times in the moive "The Ref." (Which I found very funny by the by...)

  9. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Swifty, I'm up for adoption!! <3
  10. Personally i could careless why anyone wants to Celebrate Xmas. As long as you do it in a positive fashion, and spread alittle joy and not misery in this miserable state most of the world is in then who are you/we bag on them for it. Im so tired of whos right and wrong arguments anymore , who gives a damn why people need a reason to be happy. For all those who celebrate this holiday season i hope you and your familys are well and keep warm.


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