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SecondRaven's Application

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by SecondRaven, 2 Jan 2006.

  1. Greetings CDL,

    Well CDL I would thank you for looking at this post and considering my application first of all.

    Not sure how many people remember me but i was an old PSU member and NC Markov player a few years ago. Now I did have to leave the “game” realm due to college and the army. But I have finally got a station where Im not in constant training and i am able to get my computer up and running. With that said I have always enjoyed playing Planetside and have always had a interest in join CDL.

    I'm not going to drag this out so ill be brief; I am able to give a good amount of time in playing (planetside) and my mature attitude to CDL. I will admit that the army does take my time, as does my freefall group.

    So once again thank you for looking over my application and I look forward to seeing you all in game.

    All the best,
    Pvt Huerta
  2. I remember secondraven =D
  3. Oh snap.

    Hey Raven! Glad to see your still playing PS, it's been rather active as of late. Hope to see you around.

  4. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Hey Raven :)
  5. Unable to join anymore.
  6. :( Hope its not due to something drastically negative. Best wishes Raven.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    doh! :(

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