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Beautiful CO

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Aeternus, 18 Feb 2006.

  1. I've just returned from 2 1/2 weeks on Mt. Princeton in Colorado. My aunt and uncle are in the process of moving into a home they purchased there and i was lucky enough to be able to help them out. While there wasn't much to do (i read close to 3000 pages) it was beautiful and I think that I've found the area that I want to someday live. There were deer coming down the mountain every morning that walked within 20 feet of the house, elk, fox, and wolves also. Although I didn't get the opportunity to make it to the slopes, both Ski Cooper and Copper Mtn. are both within an hour / 45 min or so.

    Anyway - didn't get a chance to log on before I left, kinda last minute, but wanted to post to say im back.
  2. :) ya i kinda like living in Colorado :) Lived here since the 4th grade :)

    i live north of them in the foothills, along the front range, in Loveland :) its great, i am 20 minutes from the rockie mountian national park. :) and about an hour and a half or so away from the top of trail ridge, the tallest continually paved road.

    Its awsome! Lots of people come here and fall in love with the mountians and the area :) I am glad you enjoyed the state!
  3. Colorado ROCKS!!:D
  4. All that time you spent there and no pictures? ;)
  5. Quoted For Emphasis.
  6. My wife and I are looking to moving to CO at some point hopefully in the near future. I've taken her skiing there and she loved it so, that is our place of choice. Got any recommendations where we should NOT live besides IN Denver? Like crappy areas and overcrowded places. Just thought I'd ask.

  7. Well, I'm afraid that I lack the possession of a decent camera - digital or otherwise. My cell has a cam on it....but it sucks for anything but head shots
  8. That's too bad, next time keep us in mind. ;)
  9. I'll see what I can do for the next time i visit...which is probably a waaayyyyyssss away unfortunately
  10. i will send tb some pics if i get a chance :) and get him to post for ya'll :)

    and as for suggestions, dont move to LOVELAND, everyone is! !!!

    actually :) loveland is great, we are north, close enough to go up to wyoming, the mountians, and anywhere else we want to do things :) some beautiful drives and great 4x4 trails if that is what your into!!!

    what ever you do dont move to boulder county, unless you like lots of rules and hippies!!!! oh and did i mention the taxes!? :)

    Southern colorado i cant tell you much about, its kinda pretty though :) i really like vacationing in durango and the 4 corners area :) and did i mention that moab is close :) for those that like sand!!! :) The only thing that we lack is the ocean, however, when the west coast falls into the ocean, we will have beach front property!
  11. Colorado Springs

    I live in Colorado Springs, the housing market here is good, job market depends on your profession. We have a few thing around here to do. We are only a 2 hour drive from the big ski areas going up 24. Much less traffic then I-70 aka the parking lot. Then the big plus, we aren't the Peoples Democratic Republic of Boulder or Denver.
  12. hahahaha my husband works in boulder, and we swore when we bought a house we would not live in boulder county! you cant even put a couch on your front porch if you wanted to!!! OMG!! :)

    We are north of boulder, love it :) about 8 or so hours from swifty!!

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