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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 5 Mar 2006.

  1. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Saw a commercial for this...although it is single player, looks pretty cool. Everything in the environment is fair game for shooting!! heheheh

    Anyone played it yet?
  2. I've also seen the ad but haven't played it yet... looking for it on shelves, though
  3. If MS gets around to making a compatibility patch for it on 360 I'll get it. Been drooling over screens of it for a while now. Definintely the best looking Xbox game to date so far, though I hear its a fairly short game and with no multiplayer not much to look forward to after you beat it. I'd suggest rental.
  4. er yeah, because Xbox360 is the latest thing, most of Xbox Live's support on the original console is beiing made obsolete; removing the need for multiplayer

    Criterion have said that there will be 3 games in the Black series, so it is possible the sequels will have it instead
  5. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Touching how a game is named after me :p
  6. I was just thinking the same thing :)

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    Retail stores aren't supposed to be carrying it yet because they decided to change the rating last minute do to the fact that you can blow up some buildings in Washington D.C. so they labeled it terrorist acts or some stuff like that according to an email we got at work, however we still have 4 copies of it with the original rating in the warehouse at that I plan on getting at least one of just for the cool factor.
  8. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Yea, I've read where it is kinda short. But it would be fun just going around shooting stuff up!!

    Besides, I finished Halo (on Normal, or whatever) in about two days. Though that was non-stop from Sunday night to Tuesday night. Stopped only to eat quickly and use the restroom. No sleeping!! heheheheh

    Graphics do look pretty killer. May have to get it.
  9. ugh, give me a f'ing break...:rolleyes:
  10. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    *hands hynch a kitkat*
  11. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Mail me a copy Orange so i can hang it up :p
  12. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Picked it up Saturday (3-11) from a Meijers store, rated "M" for strong language and violence (violence? In a shoot 'em up game?? Really???).

    And yes, it is definately a "shoot 'em up" game!!

    I started playing it that day around 6p.m., then when I was feeling tired noticed it was 6 something in the morning!!

    12 hours of playing and apparently only finished 10% of the game...on EASY!

    Now, I haven't played my Xbox in ahwile, so getting used to the controls again took some time. But this game is a bit longer than I had heard. Though I'm sure some could whiz right through it.

    It's definately a fun game. Well worth buying, for me at least.

    On one mission I had to clear a dock. My first thoughts were "Great, big open area with lots of places for them to hide". And that's what it was like.

    Fortunately I had two NPC's with me, as the fighting was unbelievable. Gunfire all around, stuff blowing up, people dieing (me also several times!!)...it was intense!!

    And just about everything in the game will be taken out by gunfire. Cars exploding after so many hits, towers exploding, gas lines exploding. Some doors only open by shotgun hits or grenades.

    And then there are the snipers and dudes with RPG's shooting at you.

    And the enemy is pretty smart, even on Easy. They hide behind stuff, try to sneak around the other side if you are hitting them from the other.

    Only thing that sucks, and this may be because I'm playing Easy right now, is you can only carry 2 weapons. True, carrying more than an M249 SAW and an MP5 would be rough, but having maybe a handgun (Uzi or MAC10 Elite) along for the ride would be nice!!

    The graphics are really nice...and the physics are cool. Dudes dieing in multiple fashions!! Haven't seen one die by a wall and half of him disappear...he lays crumpled up against the wall. Or draped over a box or handrail. And if dude is wearing a helmet and you get a headshot, you can hear it and his helmet goes flying! Unless you nail them in the face, then they put their hand up to their face as they die!! heheheh

    There are four difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Black Ops.
    In Hard and Black Ops you can't carry Health Packs. You can only use First Aid kits, which are used instantly upon "collecting" them. Good luck on those levels!!!

    Not sure if they give you more health on those two difficulty levels, but if you run into a "Shotgun Dude", he can take you out in about three shots, and it will take you two direct hits to kill him with a shotgun.

    Anyway...a fun game!!
  13. Yeah we were talking about it last night while we were playing PlanetSide.

    There are few games that can breathe life back into the dated consoles like the Xbox, and Black has certainly convinced me of that. Now I'm not saying the Xbox was bad - in fact, with the release of its launch-game Halo it became the best-selling console at North America at retail - it just that with the release of consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PS3, I thought that the console had finished having its day in the sun.

    I'm assuming that the other games in the trilogy will also be on the Xbox but they haven't made that a definite. If they are, I think they will still make it a worthwhile console to buy.
  14. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Finished it on Easy last night. Checked my profile and it says 20% completed....must be something different they are calculating.

    The last battle is unbelievable. Took me hours to finish it....dieing a lot and restarting from the checkpoint.

    You are by yourself on this one, and the number of dudes is incredible. Something like 140 dudes to kill. Lot's of shotgun dudes (even hitting them with the SAW takes awhile to kill them), dudes with hand held "riot" sheilds shooting at you with Magnums (perhaps the Smith & Wesson .500?!)...those things hurt!! And most of the time their sheilds will deflect even grenade explosions...they will hunker down with the sheild facing the grenade...so throwing a couple behind them helps!! And of course the RPG dudes. They suck!

    Fortunatly your main weapon is the SAW, and lot's of ammo around to pick up while battleing. Going through several thousand rounds is easily done. Heck, on the first wave of dudes you can burn up 600 rounds alone.

    And lots of grenades..or as the foreigners call them, "grenada!"! hehehe

    I actually started again on Normal...got through a few levels, but since I know what is up now, makes it easier...but less Health Packs to be found, so that will suck.
  15. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

  16. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    :cammo: hehehhehe

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