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Star Wars: Empire At War

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hamma, 3 Nov 2005.

  1. I bought it ... If you have ever played StarCraft or Warcraft III, and like it then you will love this game. After playing it a while it chops in Galatic Conquest and the Campaign (my 500mb of RAM isnt cutting it). I havn't tryed multiplayer yet; not sure how it will run with my 56k modem.
  2. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    I really enjoy the multi aspect of this game. The only complaint I have is it is possible for the defender on most planets to end up with a force so large that your dead before the troop landers take off and you can have control of your units. Auto-resolve land battles for the win!

    Space fights are sweet and when the cinimatic cam is watching action, the fighting looks very brutal.

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