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Battlefield 2142

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Derfud, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. Video

    Shamelessly ganked from BOHICA boards.

    I'm surprised they're making another one so soon! Looks like it will have more of a plot-feeling.
  2. *squirt*

    I'll have to change my title to mech whore :p
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    EA Sucks. Not gonna get it.
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Hey what do you know the same game again for the 3rd or 4th time with different weapons and maps :lol:
  5. Mech wars and The other ones like it were alot of fun and i always thought EA games have been pretty good, The Network issues were always the problem not the gameplay. Ill have to see how the beta plays.
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  6. I've been a big fan of Mech Warrior for a long time, good to see it's making a comeback.
  7. Same here. Before I joined the CDL I was a player of MW4: Vengeance/Black Knight for 3 years, with at least 2 of those years a Star Captain...

    Gametrailers has since got a self-contained form of the trailer from EA and placed it on their website:Having said that, EA have been surprisingly quiet about this game, since usually most titles have information leaked about them by people who are either testing their products or handling some development-level. Given the first announcement about it only came a couple of months ago, they've done pretty well for themselves regarding its secrecy.
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    This is why EA sucks. They know they have shitty netcode, but do nothing to solve it. Gameplay is great, but gameplay sucks if you're still loading the textures and map.
  9. EA is a publisher and game developer, but DICE does all the development for the battlefield games.
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    And EA can tell Dice they have shitty netcode....

    You publish it, you're responsible for it.
  11. Given the fact that DICE is about to be bought out by EA, I would've thought they'd get their act together
  12. well, I like Battlefield 2. And I still play it alot for my Diehard FPS shooter urges. And I think the game has gotten better since its release. And I am actually looking foward to test driving 2142. I also want to try the new ghost recon.
  13. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    I'll probably get it
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Good luck with it. Hope you all have fun.

    Me? Tabula Rasa.
  15. Ya ill be getting it as well , look forward to seeing you guys in it.
  16. Im deffinatly gonna get it. I like Mech Assult on Xbox. So i bet it will be fun. :) Cant wait to play with u guys again. :D
  17. I'm just glad there's going to be another mech-based game for the PC again, it's long overdue
  18. o_O

    Not sure why everyone's saying it's a mech game, it's a Battlefield game. They're just the tanks of BF2142, 2 guys with rocket launchers will still kick your ass.

    That being said, it does look pretty, but it just looks like EA's attempt to compete with Quake Wars: Enemy Territory.

    Now this is a real mech game.
  19. agree with dyganth, this will be a game with mechs in it, not necessarily a mech game.

    Dyganth, the link is intriqing, looks like they were gonna go with the torgue engine but then had to switch to a new one, Im not a techie, so im not sure why, but it undoubtly has pushed back production, but its interesting to read about. Ill keep an eye on that one.

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