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who bought LOTR Battle for middle earth2?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 12 Apr 2006.

  1. me :)

    This is a fast paced RTS game, typically online games only last 15-30 minutes, nothing like the Build a massive empire for hours type games. Online games can be versus each other or work together against computer opponents. Let me know if anyone else got it.
  2. I didn't buy it because I bought the first one and was disappointed. That's not to say i've not played it...it does seem to be a better game...the game I thought I was buying when I got the first one. I don't think I should reward a company for making a crap game by giving them more of my money for what I should have gotten initially. Yeah...i guess i'm a bit bitter. :)
  3. I understand aeternus. I didnt buy the first game, But from the reviews I've read, you hit the nail on the head. The first game was crap, this game gives the title justice.

    All I can say is, download the demo and try it.
  4. I got the demo, but I didn't really like the controls. Although, I haven't really been into RTS games since C&C (original) and Total Annihilation.
  5. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    Total Annihilation pwnd I need to steel that back off my cuz someday ;o

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