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Auto assault

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by galewind, 22 Apr 2006.

  1. Anyone playing it? Anyone enjoying it?
  2. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I played in beta...... the novelty of the game wore off pretty quickly.

    Arg and/or Schrike may be able to give some more insight (I stopped playing fairly early in the beta phase).

    Unless they made some major changes, I'd recommend passing on this game.
  3. donky your sig drives me crazy
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I got into beta, but could never get the damn client to d/l correctly for me. That threw me off right away. I would agree with Donkey though; unless you were completely enthralled with the Mad Max series of movies, I'd recommend a pass on this game.
  5. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    lol I am enthralled by Mad Max movies..... and it still got old fast ;p
  6. Played the beta. The novelty of driving a car got boring pretty quick, but it was nice that you could blow lots of stuff up. Something about it seemed rather clunky, but that may have been because it was beta. I didn't stick with it long enough to try out the PVP. Everyone talks about the "non-grinding" leveling. Total BS- you have quests to help you level, but they all are "kill X number of Y". Not that I mind that, because every MMORPG is like that, but I just don't want people being misled. If CDL gives it a try, I may as well, because playing in a group is always more fun than playing alone.
  7. I'd pass on this...

  8. i wus in the beta also.and stoped playing.it wus fun for a cupal of months.the times you could play kinda suked. but i dont no, if i droped frome playing a free game if i would pay a fee for the same game.of cors i stoped playing like 9 months ago so maby it got a lot beter??personaly i think thay just tryd to do to mutch.having to calect bilyons of lital peases of junk just so i could make a slitly beter weapon or armor just got a lital old.i coulda just went for killing peeps all day long.it also dident help that it wus bugy as heck but maiby thay got it all worked out.
  9. ...I have it on good authority that the NCSoft QA department felt it was not ready, but it went out anyway.


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