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And so the next great Game search is on

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 22 Apr 2006.

What Genre would you like to see CDL play in?

Poll closed 6 May 2006.


  3. FPS

  4. RPG

    0 vote(s)
  1. ...I've just been told that we won't be taking it back to the shop, on the technicality that I have opened the packaging (even though I haven't even touched the CDs).

    Don't expect me to fork out another fucking thing for this clan for a while, because I won't be.
  2. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    I vote for anything that has some good pvp action in it. Its nice to kill something that actually thinks every now and then and not just some dumb npc. RvR in DAOC still rocks and blows away any battle ground that wow has implemented.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I made this thread to start discussions about our next game. I didn't mean for it to be the final nail in the WoW CDL coffin Hyncharas! There is still plenty of action on Twisting Nether. I don't see us slowing down in the future. You are more than welcome to play with us over there; any CDL member is.
  4. Quake Wars anyone? :)

    (Sentrosi, read: I need a new comp for <$1000 (no monitor included))
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Whoa, mister. That was uncalled for - you will never know how many games I have bought "for this clan" just to see if we wanted to play it. So you may have started a little late, there are still loads of CDL troops active in WoW.

    Be careful how you conduct yourself Hynch.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Ok. I'll be floating you a PM in about an hour.
  7. I like to kill things, i dont know if huxley will be the game but i also have some RL things to deal with, this whole Marine thing and all.
  8. heh.. i've also made a had a few ideas on a mmo for mechwarrior. Including physical locations loaded with mech cockpit simulators and command centers! hehe
  9. Arcades I think would be a big hit for sure. The next generation of LAN Partys. Say when you buy the game instead of some stupid code on the back of a case you get a membership card. When you sign up with the card's number it registers all your information. You can then take the card to the arcade, pop it into a decked out cockpit and have at it. Work in a way to earn credits for free play time into the game with special objectives.

    Plenty of others interrested in such a game also:

  10. Dave and Busters...??

    And in the Mall Of America there are a several places that are "sit-in" arcades. One that Racewiz and I like is Silicon Motor Speedway. There is another one, that was a Flght-Sim, but I cannot remember what the place was called. I think it used Aces Of The Pacific by Lucas Arts...

  12. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Even though its at best 5 months away, Quake Wars is the most appealing to me.. I'll pick up 2142 when it comes out, but QW seems to have the most potential..

    I'll be grabbing GRAW next week to give that a spin, I always loved the GR/Ravenshield series.. If Ubi hadn't $&@%ed up the authentication system on RvS it would have been an awesome game.. Notice now they only make games for the console's, or for console first, PC second.. Guess that's what happens when your community turns on your mistakes like a bunch of cannibals; especially when you wont fix them :lol:
  13. Yeah there will be mechs...but I don't think i'll be biting on the 2142...good business plan, but....

    Hmmm...i wonder which game he was referring to as innovative...oh wait...there's only been one game - they've just repackaged it 3 times going on 4. That's not to say they weren't any good.

    and i am interested in Quake Wars per my previous post

    edit: Ok...so i'm not totally sure about 2142...it does appear to be somewhat appealing
    Last edited: 25 Apr 2006
  14. Savage 2? >.>
  15. Its not MW or BT, but Chrome Hounds "might" be ok.


    I'm not hugely impressed yet and it is just 360. I never got to play that console mech game with the $200 joystick, though I might see if I can find it used for cheap.
  16. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    Looks like it might be fun....I'm still holding out for a BT game that gets it right, you know infantry, aero, armor, AND mechs. If anyone has ever gotten into BT and/or MW you would know mechs while the central part of the story line were only a part of the battles. I mean come on who wouldn't want to swarm over a mech in Elemental battle armor??!?! I smell a fantastic MMO that prolly will never see the light of day.
  17. I picked MMOFPS.

    WoW was cool but the separation that happens when you miss consecutive days was killing it for me. Just recently I had to step away a little bit and my leveling buddy got ahead of me. I don't expect anyone to come and game with me on quests they've already done. It's not the help that I need but the comraderie.

    Planetside and Tribes II were the most fun I've ever played with you guys.

    BF2 was so anti clan friendly it wasn't even fun for me after the first month. I get bored to death running and gunning by myself or with pubbers. The squads were good but the automated side switching blew away gaming with clan mates, took the flow away from getting a groove going with your squad and the server rules were re-goddamn-diculous.

    er..yea..I must still be bitter. heh.

    I think the days are gone of buying a MMO PC game and having the community support and mod it thereafter - free of charge.

    Is Online console gaming an option for anybody here? I'm pretty interested in the PS3 but I'll never play it really if we don't as a group explore that genre.

    Quake Wars seemed pretty interesting when I looked into it a couple of months back but I'm going to have to refresh my memory.

    Huxely looks pretty sweet but the idea of running into squads that have Uber weapons will get frustrating as all hell. Unless of course I am reading into this game incorrectly.
  18. I'd be up for the console thing, too. One plus with the consoles is that you don't have to upgrade hardware everytime the latest game comes out. I plan on getting a PS3 as well.
  19. Yes. Exactly what I had started to sketch out. I even collect a bunch of the older BT modules and mapped out the Imperial time-line, with technological advancements, etc...
    But alas...so much for that.

    As for the others, I'm not really all that keen on the Quake license. Too many 'sordid' items in my past. I might get an Xbox, but I won't spring for a PS...


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