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Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 20 Feb 2006.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Chop to the point where it was uncontrollable - and all the textures looked like crap.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Wow, is it because it's a demo? That is frightening that the demo would be that bad and that they would produce one of such poor quality. Not a good indication at all...
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Dunno it could be just me, I had no patience to mess around with it. I should not have to do all sorts of things to get a demo to work :lol:

    May play around with it later tonight.
  4. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    It may just be you...

    The game looked pretty sweet and the physics were impressive.. Pinned down behind an abandoned car the whole thing started to shake and rattle as the AI let into it with a machine gun.. windows got blown out and everything. Get hit once decently and you're dead..

    I jumped in rambo style after configuring my keys, ignoring the parts on how to control my AI teammates. So in classic "toss the instructions out the window" style, my AI squad just watched me die a lot if I ran out around corners..

    I like the idea of playing with 2-3 others through the single player portion, but I think you need to do it over a LAN. I get the feeling Multiplayer will be a blast, as long as no one finds a way to cheat to early.. Like Ravenshield, but with sprinting, which is good for the wide open areas..

    I'm curious to see what a PhysX card would do in your machine with this game..

    I will say this though, UBI has had an extremely spotty record with games and compatibility on PCs. They enraged the RvS community by releasing a retarded authentication system and doing NOTHING to help the players who bought the game and were shut out by it online. So they naturally moved to consoles where they don't have to worry about pleasing people with different configurations and connections. So i'm always wary about their products on the PC now.

    That said, I still think its just Hamma..
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


  6. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    my fps was fine, my comp handled the game very well, game looks beautiful, engine is smooth(for me)...my problems tho, yes its suppose to be realistic, but the game seems soo slow paced, commanding your men is a pain, its easier to just try to solo the whole time, personally, i liked the original Rainbow six, and covert ops and stuff, anything after that in my opinion, wasnt good at all...
    (and yes, i know realistic games are usually slow, lately ive been playing AA again, which in my opinion is one of the best FPS games besides the tribes series)
    just my opinion tho....
  7. no problems on my system. but thats just me. AMD 64 4000, 7900gt video and 2 megs of ram. but onto the game itself.

    The game in single player is not a fast paced FPS, True to several ghost recon games, it involves methodical squad commands to get your AI squadmates to carry their share of the load, and to prevent you from dying. Try to solo this and your gonna die alot. The graphics are good, but nothing I consider ground breaking. The game AI seems very difficult at times, with enemy firing at you from what sometimes takes forever to figure out where its coming from, to other times where the enemy just keeps their back to you while you mow them down. Squad mates sometimes wonder around a little from where you ask them to go, but usually stay in the area, I suppose thats realistic enough. All this is fine and good for single player mode, but I think what we all want to know is can this be a multiplayer game we can all enjoy together and whats it lasting value. I honestly have no comment as this demo still leaves NO IDEA what multiplayer is gonna be like. And like most games, Single player will be fun for a week or so, but then will be shelved. Until they come out with a multiplayer demo, I would leave this game on the "to be observed" list.
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm too much of a Bustin'Gun's type of FPS player. I have no time to send squad commands to my AI buddies. I'll wait for the MP demo to come out. If there is any.
  9. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer


    Pfft.. Look at that Hamma, Swifty's only using 2 megs of Ram and having no problem.. He's kicking it old school "XT style", probably on purpose, to make you look like a complainer.. :rofl:

    Now you've got no excuse not to get it running on your machine, if Swifty can handicap his and get it running ok.. :p
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  11. I just posted my specs becuase when you say a game runs ok on your system, or Runs crappy for that matter, people need to know what it is your running on, so they have a point of reference. :p
  12. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    You also posted that you had 2 megs of ram.. The last time I had a computer that had so little RAM was in 1987 :p
  13. you know what I meant! ;)

    smartass! :D

    BTW, I did try it on my old 286, with A whooping 4 megs of ram, and dos 4.0. And it still beat hamma's system.:eek:

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