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LOTR Online beta signup

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by DonkeySmiler, 10 May 2006.

  1. *makes himself into a Mee Too'r*
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    hmm that came out wrong hahaha

    What I meant was, the more the better. :lol:
  3. I have signed up as well.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    Hell even I just jumped off the bridge.
  5. I'll signup when I get home...I got as far as the paste your dxdiag and since I'm on my work computer....yea.
  6. Im in, a few more months before i can get cable though. Hopefully they'll accept dail up

  7. You'll notice that the DXDIAG section didn't have the red * next to it meaning it was optional.

    Fill it out and then update it when you get home.
  8. :doh:

    Of course I didn't notice. I'll go there now.
  9. Done and Done.
  10. I noticed it just fine, but I don't see why I should have to upload it until I have problem
  11. Nobody said you had to upload it Hynch.
    That's the beauty of the word OPTIONAL.

    I was replying to BD anyways.... hence the quote in there.

    Anyways, they like you to upload it because people are generally Stupid when it comes to their computers. They think they have one thing, when in reality they don't. The DXDIAG report will tell the developers directly what they have, including driver versions.
  12. signed up. we shall see if we all get in :)
  13. Signed up
  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Kassa signed up as well. :D
  15. yep and i can't wait to play :D
  16. now he's implying I'm stupid :)
    Last edited: 15 May 2006
  17. Signed up as CrawlingKane
  18. Signed up as Slamscape
  19. Signed up.
  20. Signed up as Cthuga

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