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Ogame Administrative Thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Aeternus, 15 May 2006.

  1. The purpose of this post is to determine:
    1)The length of the probational period of membership
    2)if we should grant member list rights within said probational period
    3)discuss access to the right - "show only status in memberlist"

    Alotofgas, our only Ogame alliance member that is not either in CDL or a RL friend of a CDL member, is our only probationary member. Upon his acceptance to the alliance, i informed him that he would be allowed into the alliance - after querying(sp?) the opinions of other CDL - on a probationary basis with limited rights access. This would give us time to get to know him and for him to gain our trust, as well as for us to become more familiar with the game, including any aspect of alliance rights/membership which might pose a threat to alliance security. I did not, however - to the best of my memory - define the length of that probationary period, as I should have.

    At this point, alotofgas has requested to have access to the memberlist through the alliance page. This would give him the coordinates of each of planets. While this would help him in coordination with the rest of us, it would also give him definite tactical intel on us if he were to decide to betray us. While he hasn't requested access to the "show online status in member list" right, it is the only other right he would eventually need, and is closely related with regards to tactical intel.

    Being that this is not an official division, and therefore lacks both a set of policies and a group of officers to help with leadership and policy decisions, I need input from the rest of CDL in Ogame. I have replied to his request for increased rights, stating that we would be working to formalize any policies and make the decisions necessary to address the situation.

    Obviously at some point, should he continue honorably in the alliance, he would need access to these within the alliance. At this point, however, he has only been with us for about 2 days.

    Alotofgas's known activities w/in our alliance:
    1. assisted CDL member in joint raid
    2. answered 1 or 2 questions (at most) posed through the alliance circular message system.
    3. responded - "hey no problem i was just wondering :) i understand" to my reply to his request

    Thats all I have observed of his activities, but I may have missed something.

    Sorry if this was long, but any input would be greatly appreciated, so that I can take action on this point within an appropriate timeframe.
    Last edited: 15 May 2006
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I say let him into the alliance full-time. If he does betray us, it wouldn't be hard to gather our forces and bleed him dry over a period of time with constant attacks. There would be no way he could hope to stand against the combined forces.

    His rebel fleet would fall under the power of this fully operational battle station! Oh...

  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    hehe, Darth Manitou.. :p

    On another note I looked at this game at their website, but your galaxy is full up..

  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Keep trying - it opens up occasionally.
  5. Lol, well said! Yeah it would make no sense for him to try and turn on us. He would have to find a stronger alliance and join them to hope to stand up to all of us. And being a full member he still would not know our individual defenses unless he probed us.
  6. Yea I was going to jump in yesterday but your galaxy is closed.:(
  7. Hopefully they will raise the limit instead of banging a new universe. 19 supposedly has fewer people than the other universes right now. Guessing as some quit and delete their planets spots open up also, but have to get lucky and get in when available.
  8. 19 is still a relatively new Universe, so I imagine alot of the Vets from the older ones jumped in to get a "Fresh Start on Equal Footing".

    But like has been said, people are constantly leaving so keep trying.
  9. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Looks open to me right now
  10. For what its worth I agree with what Mani said.
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Woot. it opened up and seems to be still open now..


    that's my location, so where am i? :p
  12. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Close to me and Arglaar. In a galaxy far, far away from the rest. But this now presents the CDL with an ever expanding role of DOMINATOR OF UNIVERSE 19!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
  13. hehe.. at least Asp and I are in the same galaxy :D
  14. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

  15. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I can't see the galaxy yet, are we relatively safe? Or is someone about to park the "DEVASTAT-A-TRON 6000" in low orbit? Take me out early..

    We'll have to establish some trade Arg, give each other a leg up..

    currently I'm just generating Energy and have lvl 4 metal mines, gonna start crystal soon..
    Last edited: 15 May 2006
  16. We're in the same Galaxy but different Systems.

    I read the location like this:

    We're all in Universe 19.
    Then there's the Galaxy: 1,2,3,4
    Then the Solar System:
    Then the Planet Location.

    So if you take my Location, 2:474:11

    I'm in Galaxy 2, System 474, Planet 11.
  17. Where'd you get that sig stuff from Arg?
  18. Check the thread I just made Blazt :D
  19. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    I'm looking to get into another game with some fellow CDL, is this a good option. What is this game like? Just curious about some details.
  20. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Okay, just found the other threads, reading FTW. I think i got into universe 17. It accepted my registration. So......... I hope to see you all soon.

    (edit) And you're all in 19 so maybe I won't see you.

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